Billing Report: Batch Report Errors (Post-Transmission) (Avea)

  • Updated

The following errors can be received on the individual batch when transmitting charges to Avea. These errors appear in the place of the Claim ID and indicate the charge was not transmitted to Avea.


Error Message Resolution Error Source

No Utilization Plan was found for NPI XXXXXXXXXX on X/X/XXXX XX:XX:XX AM for service XXXXXXXX for auth number XXXXXXXX

There are two reasons this error may occur:

  1. This error occurs when there is a mismatch in rendering providers. If the billable item coming from the EMR has a different rendering provider than the utilization plan in Avea, you'll receive this error. This will only occur for U/R Required (Avea)/Level of Care (EMR) services.
    • To resolve, ensure the billable item rendering provider and UR plan rendering provider are the same.
    • This is done by updating the rendering provider on the Utilization plan by clicking Manage Review on the patient’s facesheet or editing the U/R plan directly in Avea. You can also manually change the provider on the Billing Report by clicking the Edit icon and changing the provider to the one listed on the U/R Plan. Remember, if the Rendering Provider is blank on the billing report, the Konnector provider will be used as the rendering provider. 
  2. This error can occur when the provider on the UR plan or Konnector is not set up as a rendering provider in the EMR or if the user is set to inactive in the EMR or Avea. 
    • To resolve, review the profile for the provider in the EMR and ensure they have the Rendering Provider feature and are not disabled. Next, review their profile in Avea and confirm they are set to Active in both the Practice Admin and Facility.


No institutional service billing profile found for revenue code XXX and bill type XX


No professional service billing profile found for HCPCSCPT code xxxxx and place of service xx

This error message can appear in various ways, however, the sentence will be completed by identifying the exact issue causing the error to occur.

For example, you may see any of the following:

No professional service billing profile found for HCPCSCPT Code 90846 and place of service 11

Error: No institutional service billing profile found for revenue code 0905 and bill type 11

These errors occur when the code combination used on the billable item does not match any service billing profiles in AO for that specific integrated EMR Location and Avea Practice.

Solution 1: To resolve, you want to ensure that services are correctly configured on both the EMR and Avea sides. This includes codes, descriptions, and level of care (Code, Type of Billing, POS, etc).

You can begin comparing by comparing these fields in the Kipu EMR to a matching Billing Profile in Avea.

  1. Log into Avea and select the Organization and Practice in question.

  2. Under Organization Admin, select the Practice in question.

  3. Next, you will be taken to Practice Admin. Select Services.

  4. Select the service that EMR service should have mapped to.

  5. If you’re unsure, open the applicable Services to review the Billing Profile that includes the code combination you’re looking for.

If it doesn’t match, update either the EMR or Avea Service so that they match.

Solution 2: If all coding combinations line up, check to see if they are being sent from the right EMR Location to the right Avea Practice. Some common things to review are: has the patient been admitted to the wrong EMR location? Is the Location mapped to the correct Practice in Avea?  

Solution 3: Check the patient's program assignment and bed assignment if bill by program or bill by building is enabled. Ensure U/R Plan on file exists in the right facility. 


Provider NPI is required (PV1.7.1)

This error occurs when there is either no rendering provider on the billable item or the rendering provider's NPI is not present on the billable item.

Ensure that a rendering provider selected for the billable item(s) has an NPI added to their user profile in the EMR by clicking your initials and choosing Manage Users.


No Rendering Provider references found for NPI 1237777891 at PracticeID: a92b5f0b-4d3f-ed11-a81b-0022480a27c0 FacilityID: dbe3fb89-4d3f-ed11-a81b-00224806f0ba

This occurs when the rendering provider on the billable item in the EMR is not added as a rendering provider in Avea or isn't referenced in the right facility in Avea.

To resolve this error, add the rendering provider to the appropriate practice in Avea and reference that rendering provider at the facility. Click here for instructions.

If the rendering provider exists, ensure the billable item was created in the correct EMR location and Avea practice.


Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Please contact Support for assistance in resolving this issue. Avea

Invalid URL: The format of the URL could not be determined. 

Please contact Support for assistance in resolving this issue. Avea

The target practice for this message could not be found.

This error occurs when the Organization, Practice, or Facility ID field is missing or incorrect in the Avea Konnector.

To resolve, open the Avea Konnector in the EMR for the missing organization, practice, and/or, facility and enter the correct ID.

  • The Practice ID is found in the Avea Organization Admin under the Practices tab.
  • The Facility ID is found in the Avea Practice Admin under the Facilities tab.
  • The Organization ID is found in the Avea Managing Organization Admin under the Organizations tab.


Error: Invalid Authorization Header

This error occurs when the username and password on the Avea Konnector is invalid (meaning it doesn't match the Avea user details).

To resolve, please contact Integrated Billing Support ().


Failed (retrying)

A batch can fail for this reason due to any of the following reasons:

  • The information in the Konnector is incorrect. Please review the data entered on the Konnector to confirm that everything entered is correct.
  • The interface is not activated in CMD.

Note: The system will attempt to resend the batch up to 10 times. On the 10th try, the batch will fail.

Please email for help resolving this error.

Kipu EMR

Konnector not found.
This generally occurs when the CMD Konnector is not enabled or there is no Konnector that matches the Location and/or Program of the Patient.
To resolve:
  1. Review the patient facesheet to determine which Konnector being used to transmit the data. This appears in the External App Name field.
    • Locate the Konnector in Settings > Integrations and validate that the configuration is correct.
    • If the configuration is correct, validate that the Konnector is enabled (Use this vendor is checked). If disabled, enable and click Update.
  2. If there is no External App Name in the patient facesheet, note the Location and Program.
    • Review each Konnector until the Konnector is found that is configured to match the Location and Program
    • If found, validate that the Konnector is enabled (Use this vendor is checked). If disabled, enable and click Update.
    • If not found, this explains the error, and a new Konnector is needed. Please complete the CMD Add Konnector Request form.
Kipu EMR
Insurance Authorization does not match Patient Insurance.
This generally occurs when there is an overlapping authorization or the insurance on the Facesheet does not match the Payer List.
  1. Review the Insurance Information on the patient's facesheet and validate that the Ext Payor ID is present.
    • If not, update the payer to link to the correct insurance.
    • If the payer is not present, add the payer to CMD and Kipu EMR.
      Note: If the payer is added in one place and not the other, add to the place not present and link the CMD Sequence ID to the Ext Payor ID
  2. Validate that there are no overlapping authorizations by reviewing the Concurrent Review section of the patient facesheet. If overlaps are found, please update.
Kipu EMR

Rendering provider missing NPI.

This error occurs when the rendering provider's NPI is not present on the billable item.

Ensure that a rendering provider selected for the billable item(s) has an NPI added to their user profile in the EMR by clicking your initials and choosing Manage Users.

Kipu EMR

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