Encounter Care: New Patient Creation

  • Updated

The Encounters patient creation process is intended to enhance the user experience in the Kipu EMR by integrating patient search and eliminating additional steps to save you valuable time.

This article explains how to create a new patient directly from the Kipu EMR, and how to search for previously admitted patients to avoid creating duplicate charts. 

Let’s review the Kipu EMR new patient creation process.

  1. Click on + New Patient on the landing page.

    Note: The second tab is customizable and can be labeled "Patients", "Clients", "Guests", or another term, depending on your organization’s preferred terminology.

  2. Enter information in at least two of the following data fields: First Name, Last Name, SSN - Last 4, and/or DOB. Then click on the Search button.
  3. The system checks for matching patients using these fields to prevent duplicate charts.
  4. Searching for a patient allows you to see if they have received treatment before and if a chart already exists. 
    • If the patient has a chart in the system, you can either open it and continue working on it for canceled, planned, or active episodes of care. To learn more about episodes of care statuses, click here.
    • If the patient was discharged and completed the episode of care, you can readmit them by clicking on Readmit. Click here to learn more about the Chart Tracker.
    • If you do not find a matching patient, create a new chart.

How to Create a New Patient Chart

Follow these steps to create a new patient chart. 

  1. To begin, click on + Create New Patient.
  2. The system pre-populates the data you entered into the search in the Create New Patient pop-up window. You only need to provide the first and last name to create a new patient. The rest of the fields are optional.
    1. First Name: Enter the patient’s legal first name (this field is required). Do not enter nicknames or preferred names in this field, as doing so can cause issues and errors, particularly with integrations.
    2. Middle Name: Enter the patient's middle name.
    3. Last Name: Enter the patient’s last name (this field is required).
    4. Preferred Name: Enter the patient's nickname or preferred name, if they have one.
    5. Birth/Maiden Name: If the patient has changed their name, enter their previous name here.
    6. Location: At this time, the field will display the location of your instance.
    7. Anticipated Admission Date: Enter the date and time to track upcoming admissions. This date links to the Arriving filter on the landing page.

      Note: The Anticipated Admission Date field has replaced the Admission Date field in the patient creation process.

    8. Anticipated Discharge Date: Enter the date and time to track planned discharges.

      Note: The Anticipated Discharge Date field has replaced the Discharge Date field in the patient creation process.

    9. Date of Birth: Enter the patient's date of birth.
    10. SSN: Enter the patient's Social Security number.
    11. Rep on Intake Call: The system defaults to the user entering the information, but it can be updated if needed.
    12. Referrer Name: Type the referrer’s name. If the patient was referred, select the referrer from the drop-down list, which pulls from the Contacts page.
    13. Create New Referrer: Set this toggle to free-type and create a new contact in the Company Contacts.
    14. Required to Contact: Set this toggle to indicate the client must contact the referrer before admission to finalize the intake.
    15. Create Patient: Click on the Create Patient button to build a new chart.
  3. After creating the patient, the system generates an episode of care status using the entered information, and the prospective patient will show a Planned status.
  4. Click on Edit Client to fill out and complete any missing information in the facesheet.
  5. The following fields are available only in print/view mode and cannot be edited or updated through the facesheet. You can update these fields in the following sections.
    1. Program: Use the Changing Clinical LOC/Program event in the Episode of Care Summary to change the program.
    2. Program Date: Select Date and time when changing the LoC/Program event in the Episode of Care Summary.
    3. Admission Date: Use the Encounter Admission Workflow under Manage Episode to admit the patient. Use the Anticipated Admission Date field to track future admissions.
    4. Discharge/Transition Date: Use the Encounters Discharge Workflow under Manage Episode to discharge the patient. Use the Anticipated Discharge Date field to track future discharges.
    5. Location: Location defaults to the unique location in read-only mode.
    6. Location Date: Date defaults when using a Transfer Location event in the Episode of Care Summary.
    7. Medical Record Number: Use the Encounters Admission Workflow under Manage Episode to admit the client. 

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