Episode of Care Statuses
The patient header includes the encounter Episode of Care Statuses in Kipu EMR including Planned, Canceled, Active, and Complete.
Required Permissions: Admin, Case Manager, Patient Coordinator, Records Admin, Super Admin, and UR Internal users can complete the clinical level of care and program change.
Let’s review the Encounter Episode of Care Statuses.
The Planned episode of care status is assigned to prospective patients who have not completed the admission workflow and are listed in the Pre-admission section of Kipu EMR.
- Click on + New Patient on the landing page.
- To start, click on + Create New Patient.
- After you create the patient, the system generates an episode of care based on the entered information, showing the prospective patient in the Planned status.
- Patients in the Planned status appear in the Pre-Admission section of the Kipu EMR.
The Canceled episode of care status is assigned to patients who aren’t proceeding with treatment or are no longer admitted to the facility. In this case, the chart is achieved.
- Click on the patient’s tile in the Pre-Admission section.
- Click the Edit Client button to update the facesheet.
- Select Archive as the pre-admission status to cancel the encounter.
- The patient’s episode of care status will change from Planned to Canceled.
- The record will be removed from the Pre-Admission page.
- Click the Archive filter button in the Pre-admission Categories section at the bottom of the page to find archived records.
The Active episode of care status is assigned to patients who have completed the admission workflow and are listed in the Current section of the Kipu EMR.
For the complete Encounters Admission Workflow, check out this article.
- Fill in the required fields on the facesheet and click on the Admit button.
- During the Admission workflow, assign the admission date, location, level of care, and program, then click Save.
- The system will generate an MR number and Encounter ID.
- After completing the admission workflow, the system creates an episode of care showing the patient in the Active status.
The Completed episode of care status is assigned to patients who have completed treatment and have been discharged.
For the complete Encounters Discharge Workflow, check out this article.
- Select Discharge from the Episode of Care summary.
- Assign the discharge date and discharge type, then click Save.
- The Episode of Care summary will show the patient as discharged with the Completed status.
- After finishing the discharge workflow, the system updates the patient episode of care status from Active to Completed.
- These patients are listed in the Chart Audit section of Kipu EMR.
Note: If the completed chart is closed, it will be removed from the Chart Audit section.
Episode of Care Summary
The Episode of Care Summary is a timeline that tracks the patient’s journey through treatment, from creation to discharge. It helps monitor and understand the patient's progress, showing changes in location, level of care, and programs. It includes two key elements:
Event: Records what happened and when, including creation, admission, changes in clinical level of care or program, and discharge.
Encounter: Represents the combination of clinical level of care and program during a specific period, including location, status, and encounter ID.
Episode of Care Summary Information
Let’s check in detail the information available in the Episode of Care Summary:
- Patient’s Name: Displays the patient’s first name, last name, and preferred name (in quotation marks between first and last names).
- MR Number: Displays the medical record number.
- Change LOC/Program: Allows you to change the current LOC and program.
- Discharge: Allows you to discharge the patient.
- Location: Displays the encounter’s location.
- Clinical Level of Care: Assigned Clinical LOC.
- Program: Assigned program.
- Status: In Progress or Completed.
- Encounter ID: Unique encounter ID for each episode of care. The ID consists of the MR number and a sequential number (starting with 0 with the pre-admission encounter).
- Timeline: Shows encounter dates and times.
- Event: Shows the current event, i.e., creation, admission, changes in clinical level of care or program, and discharge.
- MR Number: Administrative roles are allowed to update MR number, if needed.
- Anticipated Discharge Date: Allows you to update the anticipated discharge date, if needed.
- Undo Icon: Click this button to undo the most recent event, with a field to enter the reason. If the event gets canceled, the info icon will appear together with the user who canceled the event, when, and the reason for the cancelation.
- User Icon: Click to view the staff member’s name, and the date and time they transitioned the patient.
- Anticipated Admit Date: Allows you to update the anticipated admission date, if needed.
The Episode of Care Summary Events
Let’s review the episode of care events and actions you can complete in the Episode of Care summary screen.
Who Is the Patient?
Review the patient’s full name and medical record number at the top of the Episode of Care Summary.
What Actions Can You Complete in the Episode of Care Summary?
Admit the Patient
During the planned status in pre-admission, the system allows you to complete the Admission Workflow.
- Click on Manage Care.
- Assign an admission date, level of care, and program. Click Save.
Change Level of Care or Program
The Episode of Care summary window allows you to change the patient’s LOC and program during treatment.
- Click on Change LOC/Program.
- Enter the date, clinical level of care, and/or program for this episode. Click Save.
Note: This workflow does not change the UR Level of Care.
Discharge the Patient
The Episode of Care summary window allows you to discharge the patient.
- Select Discharge.
- Assign the discharge date and discharge type.
- If needed, enter information in the Discharge To field and click Save.
When Events Occurred in the Timeline
The Episode of Care Summary displays events in reverse chronological order (with the newest items at the top).
Let’s review the example below:
- Created: The patient is created (at the bottom).
- Admitted to: The second event occurs when the patient receives a MR number.
- Change LOC/Program: The patient is assigned a level of care/program.in the third event.
- Discharged: The patient is discharged in the fourth event (at the top).
How to Edit Events Information
The system allows you to edit some event information if entered by error, made a mistake, or need to follow your facility protocols.
Edit MR Number
Click on the pencil icon to update the MR number (if needed) based on your facility's protocols. Click Update to save your changes.
Edit Anticipated Discharge Date
Click on the pencil icon to update the anticipated discharge date (if needed). Then click Update to save your changes.
If you need to undo the most recent event for any reason, you can do so following the steps below.
- Click to undo the most recent event, with a field to enter the reason. Select the Undo Event button to save your changes.
- After the event is undone, the system will display an information icon. Hover over this icon to view the staff member, the reason for cancelation, and the date the event was canceled.
- Click on the user icon to display the staff member's name, date, and time the patient was transitioned by.
Edit Anticipated Admit Date
Click on the pencil icon to update the anticipated admission date (if needed). Then click Update to save your changes.
Set Discharge Type
After the discharge workflow is completed, you can edit the Discharge Type and Discharge To fields, if needed.
- Click on the discharge type pencil icon.
- Select the desired discharge type from the drop-down list.
- Click Update.
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