Encounter Care: Changing Clinical Level of Care and Program

  • Updated

The Encounters feature introduces a workflow to change the patient’s Clinical Level of Care or Program. This workflow also allows users to tracks patient transitions between different levels of care or programs. 

Restricting changes to this workflow ensures data integrity and prevents accidental data manipulation. 

Required Permissions: Admin, Case Manager, Patient Coordinator, Records Admin, Super Admin, and UR Internal users can complete the clinical level of care and program change.  

How to Change the Clinical Level of Care or Program 

  1. Open the patient’s chart and click Manage Episode
  1. Click the Change LOC/Program button in the Episode of Care Summary window.
  1. Fill out the required fields, indicated with an asterisk (*) in the pop-up window, then click Save.
  1. The system creates a new encounter ID indicating the date change, new clinical level of care, and program. 

Undoing Changes 

If you accidentally assign the wrong level of care or program, you can use the Undo functionality to correct the mistake. First, however, you must move all existing documentation back to the previous encounter to prevent errors. 

Change Encounter Documentation

To move existing documentation to the previous encounter, follow the steps below.

  1. Go to the Chart Summary tab in the patient’s chart.
  1. Select the Encounters tab and click Change Encounter next to each document you need to move to a new encounter.
  1. In the pop-up window, select the desired encounter from the drop-down menu.
  1. Click Submit.
  1. The table will update and will show the documents in the section that have been moved.

Using the Undo Functionality 

Once you have moved the existing documentation, return to the encounter and follow these instructions. 

  1. Click the Undo icon.
  1. Enter the reason for the undo in the text box and click Undo Event.

Change Clinical Level of Care/Program Using an Evaluation Form 

  1. You can also change the Clinical Level of Care/Program from any evaluation form that includes a patient.level_of_care_clinical field. Check Templates Evaluations to learn more. 
  2. Once you add this field to the desired template, the Change LOC/Program option will be available in the selected evaluation form.

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