Templates: Dynamic Matrix Field Type

  • Updated

The Dynamic Matrix field type within Evaluation forms allows you to create a table and include specific field types within each column like a date picker, drop-down list, substance list, diagnosis codes, and free text. This differs from the standard matrix field that only allows for free text within columns.

The Dynamic Matrix allows you to reduce the need for manually typed answers in each column or row. By standardizing data inputs, staff members will spend less time entering data, which improves reportability, increases efficiency, and ultimately contributes to better patient outcomes.

Dynamic Matrix Field Configuration Vs. User Front End

When configuring the evaluation item, set up the dynamic matrix field following the steps below:

  1. Record names: List the options for row labels separating the options with the pipe symbol (|) as usual. We'll use Primary|Secondary|Tertiary|Other1|Other2 in this example.
    • The record names appear as row titles in the actual form.
  2. Matrix columns: Matrix column names should be separated by the pipe symbol |. In this example, let's use Drug Name|Age of First Use|Frequency|Route|Amount|Date of Last Use|Diagnosis.
    • As you can see, the matrix column names display as column titles.
  3. Show String: e.g. {drugList}=>1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10=>1|2|3=>{datePicker}=>{diagnosisCodes}.
    The Show String field allows you to set up a Dynamic Matrix table to select configured options. Enter dynamic fields separated by this symbol => to ensure that the system displays the evaluation items. Use the following evaluation items to create a dynamic matrix table: 
    • {drugList}: Pulls drug names from the Substance Tab in Settings For example, we'll use =>{drugList}=> here.

      • The {drugList} dynamic field is searchable in the actual form. Type in the Drug Name and the system will pull a matching option from the configured substance tab in settings.
    • {datePicker}: Adds a calendar if you add =>{datePicker}=>.

      • In the form, the {datePicker} dynamic field displays a calendar where you can select a date. 
    • {diagnosisCodes}: If you add =>{diagnosisCodes}=> you can select a diagnosis from the codes entered in the Manage Diagnosis Codes form

      • The {diagnosisCodes} dynamic field displays diagnosis entered in the system.
    • Free Text: Using =>=> leaves a blank box for free typing (Default option). 

      • The free text field allows you to type in the text box.
    • Dropdown: List options in a drop-down list separated by the pipe symbol |. For example, you could enter =>1|2|3=> or =>Oral|Inhaled|Injected=>.
      • In the form, the options between the => symbols will appear as options in the drop-down list. 

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