Patients Tags & Custom Filters

  • Updated

Add tags to a patient chart and use tags and tag filters to search the census and dashboard.

Tag/Filter Setup Instructions
Super Admins can enable and create tabs in Settings. Click here for instructions. 

How to Assign Tags to the Patient Chart

To assign the tag(s) to the patient's chart:

  1. Open the patient chart and click Edit Patient. Depending on how your organization has chosen to name patients, this button may say Edit Client, Edit Resident, etc,.mceclip0.png
  2. In the Tags field, start typing the name of the tag you'd like to add to the patient chart and select it from the drop-down list.  mceclip1.png
  3. If your organization has chosen to allow users to create new tags from the patient facesheet, you can type in the desired tag name. Clicking outside of the field will automatically generate a new tag. Super Admins can adjust the tag color in the settings. mceclip2.png

View Tags

You can review all tags assigned to the patient's chart on the facesheet right above the Admission Date.


Filter Charts Using Tags and Filters

The Custom filters section of the Patients tab (Census) and Dashboard (Current Census, Discharged Patients, and Case Load tabs) allows you to search by Tag or Custom Filter (which is a group of tags). Click on the images below to expand.

Patients Tab Dashboard Tab
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On either of these pages, you can search for a specific tag(s) or use the predefined filters buttons.


Custom Filters

Custom filters are groups of two or more tags. Custom filters can be combined with any of the other filter options available on the page (e.g. Pre-Admission + Custom Filter, or Forms Status filters + Custom).

Any user can create their own custom filter:

  1. In the Custom filters section, type in the tags you wish to use for your custom filter.
  2. Once all tags are selected, click on Save & Submit.
  3. Name the filter and click Save & Submit.
  4. The filter is now available for use!

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