Create Patients with Kipu RCM (Avea) Integration

  • Updated

One of the key benefits of the Kipu EMR + RCM Integration is reducing double entry. This starts with transmitting the patient profile from the Kipu EMR to the RCM. This article focuses on how to add a patient and which fields are included in the integration.  

Add Patient

Let's review how to add a patient for the Kipu EMR + RCM integration. This article focuses on the fields required for billing. For complete instructions on adding a patient, click here

  1. Open the Patients tab and click New.mceclip1.png
    • Important: If your organization uses the CRM, the patient pre-admission chart will be available in both the RCM and EMR once the opportunity is sent from the CRM
  2. Complete the New Patient Details, including the patient's first and last name at a minimum. mceclip2.png
  3. Click Add Patient.
  4. Next, let's complete the first set of required fields. The Kipu EMR requires additional fields to be completed that are not included in the integration, be sure to complete all fields marked as required with an asterisk (*).
  5. Select the Admission Date and Location. Discharge/Transition will be included in the integration once added at the end of the patient's episode of care.


    EMR Field

    RCM Field


    Admissions date (and time)

    Admit Date and Admit Time

    Avea breaks out date and time as two fields.

    Discharge/Transition Date (and time)

    Discharge Date and Discharge Time

    Avea requires a Discharge Status (as it goes out on claims). Currently, Kipu defaults to “01 - Discharged to Home or Self-Care (Routine Discharge).”




  6. Complete the patient's basic demographic information.
    • Clicking Create MR Number will automatically send the patient information to Avea. We recommend clicking Create MR Number after all other patient information is added. This ensures a complete patient record is sent to Avea.
    • Please note that while the Diagnosis field isn't marked as required in the EMR, it is required to add a U/R Plan through the integration.


      EMR Field

      RCM Field



      First Name



      Middle Initial

      Not required for billing but this field is included in the integration.

      Last Name

      Last Name


      Birth Sex




      Admitting Diagnosis and Principal Diagnosis

      Kipu RCM separates Admitting and Principal Diagnosis as two fields but these fields will come over with the same info.


      Social Security Number

      Not required unless specified by your organization.

      Date of Birth





      Not required for billing but this field is included in the integration.

      Street Address 1


      The RCM only accepts one address line for the treatment episode.







      Zip Code

      Zip Code


  7. Next, select an insurance payment method.  mceclip5.png
  8. You can ignore the Manage Insurance button for now. While this button will automatically create the patient record in the RCM, because we don't have an MR number added to the chart, it will create a prospective patient record without a treatment episode instead of a complete patient record. We will add the patient insurance after the patient has been sent to the RCM by creating the MR number. 
  9. Complete the Allergies section.mceclip6.png
  10. Next, click Create MRN number. This will automatically create the Patient and related Treatment Episode in the RCM.
  11. The Kipu RCM (Avea) External Application will be automatically added to the patient chart and the Unique Patient ID field will also populate with the new Avea Patient ID.
  12. Click Validate form to ensure that all required fields are completed.
  13. Any incomplete fields will be displayed at the top of the page. Complete these fields to verify the facesheet.


In Kipu RCM (Avea), the patient will appear on your Patients list for the Practice.

Patient Transmission Triggers

There are four things that will cause the system to send a patient record to the RCM, even if the patient record isn't completed. These are creating the MR Number, clicking Manage Insurance, clicking Manage Review, or clicking Send to Avea. If you created a patient too early, simply add the other required information and click Send to Avea. This will update the patient and treatment episode in the Kipu RCM (Avea). 

Patient Transmission Errors

You may encounter a transmission error on the patient facesheet that will prevent the patient information from being transferred to the RCM. Click here for a list of errors and resolutions. 

Add Insurance

The next step in the process is to add an insurance record to the patient chart.

Note: If the patient is private pay, no insurance plan is needed. Please follow the linked instructions for billing based on service type: Level of Care/Per-diem Billing | Ancillary Billing

Edit/Update Patient Demographics

When you make updates to patient demographic information (like updating a birthdate), you must manually send those updates to the RCM or the changes to be reflected correctly in both systems. To push any changes over, scroll down to the External Apps section and click the Send to Avea button.


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