Settings: Upload to File Server

  • Updated

The Upload to File Server konnector allows you to upload schedule and billing reports, choose default providers, and send them to your SFTP server by instance or by location. Only clients using HL7 Downloads for their integrated billing will need to use this konnector.

Required Permissions
Only Super Admins can set up or edit the Upload to File Server konnector.

Create an Upload to File Server Konnector

Follow these steps to create a new Upload to File Server konnector.

  1. To begin, click on your initials in the top right-hand corner then click Settings.

  2. Next, choose Integrations > Konnectors.

  3. Click on the New Konnector button.
  4. Name the konnector and select Upload to File Server from the Konnector Type drop-down.
  5. Click on the Register button to create.
  6. Be sure to check the Use this konnector box to make the konnector available for use.
  7. Enter the desired Server, Port, and your Username, Password, and Path to file server
  8. Click Test Connection to test out the connection.
  9. Click Update to complete the process.
  10. You can delete the konnector by clicking x delete.

Once you have set up and marked a konnector as active, they will appear under Settings > Billing > Location Settings as an option for HL7 billing transmissions. Check out this article for more information.


Editing existing konnectors follows a similar process.

  1. If you wish to edit an existing konnector, you can click on the Update to File Server filter and then click the pencil icon.
  2. You can edit the server information here, select specific locations, and specify a default billing provider to be used if no billing provider was previously selected for the service.
    1. Locations: Select the checkbox to apply the konnector settings to the desired locations.
    2. Billing Provider NPI: If you wish to set up a default billing provider, who will be used if no billing provider was selected for a service, enter their NPI here. 
    3. Billing Provider Last Name: Enter the last name of the billing provider you wish to set as the default.
    4. Billing Provider First Name: Enter the first name of the billing provider you wish to set as the default.
  3. Once all your information is entered, click Update.

Note: If you edit existing konnector settings, the new settings will only affect new uploads and will not retroactively apply to existing data.

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