Follow the steps below to delete a batch. You must be a Records Admin or Super Admin to complete these steps.
Important: Deleting a batch where any of the charges were successfully transmitted will create duplicate charges in your integrated billing solution. We highly recommend simply deleting the errored-out charges and rebilling those separately. However, if the errors cannot be deleted (no X) or if the entire batch failed, use the following steps to delete a batch.
Navigate to Reports > Billing > Batches.
Set your date range. You can also search for specific Patients/Clients, Payors, or Rendering Providers. Click Search.
When the batches appear, we recommend viewing the batch in a new tab (right-click on View and choose Open Link in New Tab).
If any of the charges were successful, be sure to note the charge information or export the batch report as a CSV or Excel file to act as a worklist.
When you delete a batch, all charges within that batch will automatically go back to the Bill tab to be rebilled. Noting the information allows you to go into the RCM and delete the original transmission to prevent duplicate claims when you rebill the charge from the billing report.
Once you have confirmed that this is the correct batch, click the X.
Click OK in the pop-up.
The charges will re-appear under the Bill tab on the billing report in 5 to 15 minutes for editing and rebilling.
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