Generating Billables Items for Labs

  • Updated

You can automatically set up Kipu EMR to generate a billable item for each processed lab requisition. To use this functionality, you must be integrated with a Kipu-supported lab and have access to the billing report (Integrated with CollaborateMD or export your billing using the HL7 download option).

Setting up the Service

Before you can bill for Lab items, you must ensure that the related code that you want to bill is present in the Kipu EMR and that you have set up a related Service. You must be a Super Admin to complete these steps.


Set up the CCode, HCode, and/or RCode that you would like to use to bill the Lab services. Click here for instructions. You will need this code when you create the Service in the next section. 


  1. Navigate to Settings > Billing > Services.
  2. Click the Add Item button.
  3. Fill out the Add/Edit Service window using the following information:
    1. In the Service Name field, enter the desired service name (e.g., "POC Laboratory Service").
    2. Click the Create button.
    3. Set the Start date to the date you will begin billing for this service using the date picker.
    4. Leave the End date field blank.
    5. For Service Classification, select POC Laboratory.
    6. Claim Format: Choose Professional or Institutional. This does impact which codes you should select, e.g., CCodes for Professional claims and HCodes/RCodes for Institutional claims.
    7. Set a default Billing Provider and Konnector for this service, as needed.
    8. Ensure the Locations where you want to bill for this service are checked.
    9. Click the Submit button.

Adding the Service Authorization to the Patient Chart

  1. Locate the patient chart.
  2. From the Information tab, scroll to the Utilization Reviews section.
  3. Click Add Service Review.
  4. Complete the Services Authorization window.
    1. The Authorization Date is the date you entered the authorization. 
    2. Select the Service you set up to bill for labs. 
    3. Enter the Start Date and End Date for the authorization. 
    4. Enter the Authorization Number, this will be added to the billable item on the billing report for each requisition completed during the authorization's start and end date range. 
  5. Click Save Authorization. 

Lab Requisition

Next, enter a POC lab requisition for the patient. Click here for instructions. 

Important: The type of lab requisition must be set to POC for this functionality to work. 

Generating the Billing Report

Navigate to the Billing Report. Each lab requisition will generate a billable item with the associated authorization number during the date range of the Service Authorization. 

The following information is present on the billing report: 

  • Patient’s data: Name, MR#, DOB, and Insurance information.
  • DOS (Date of Service).
  • Service Authorization data: Service Authorization #, Insurances, Start and End Dates for the authorization.
  • Specimen ID: Displays the Specimen ID from the Lab Requisition. This should be a blue hyperlink (matching the color/behavior of the patient name hyperlink).
  • Specimen Source: The source of the specimen as indicated in the Lab Requisition.
  • Collected Date/Time: The date and time the specimen was collected. 
  • Lab Name: The name of the lab (previously labeled as Vendor name).
  • Number of Tests Ordered: Displays the total count of tests ordered within that requisition.
  • Info icon: Hovering over this icon displays a list of the names of each test (in the same order they appear on the lab requisition).

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