LabCorp Orders

  • Updated

Facilities using LabCorp require more patient information fields than Kipu traditionally captures, so there are some additions to Patient Contacts, and Insurance areas, as well as a Lab Testing section. These new fields will be available on the face sheets of any patients in locations with a LabCorp interface.

Important: Please note that some of these fields will only be available once the LabCorp update is pushed to your facility. 

Required Fields and Authorizations

LabCorp's required fields and the standard required fields must be filled out before authenticating the chart for placing and receiving orders.

Important: Make sure to validate the facesheet after entering all required fields. Click here to learn about facesheet validation.


If insurance has been added, fill out the required Plan, Claims, and Subscriber information.


Note: If you are utilizing the lab integration with the RCM integration, click here for more information on adding and editing insurance. 

In addition to the required fields indicated with an asterisk, you must also fill out the following:


  • Plan Type (Note: this field is called Is this plan HMO? in KipuRCM)
  • Plan Class

Claims (this section is called Practice Payer Address in KipuRCM)

  • Street Address 1
  • City
  • State
  • Zip Code

LabCorp Integration Contact Information Requirements

When a LabCorp integration is enabled for a location, the existing contact information will be migrated as follows:

  • The information from the LabCorp Contacts field will be added to the EMR First Name field and must be edited so that the patient's legal first and last name are moved to the correct fields. 
    • Note: To ensure successful integration, make sure that the first and last name fields only contain the patient's legal name, and that their preferred name or any nicknames are entered in the Preferred Name field.
  • The address information from the LabCorp Contacts section will added to the EMR Address line 1 field and must be broken up so that the city, state, and zip code information are moved to the correct fields.
  • Additionally, LabCorp requires that a Guarantor contact be provided on all orders. in the EMR, if the patient is under 18, a Guardian contact must also be included on the order. 

Lab Testing

All fields with asterisks (*) in the Lab Testing section are required by LabCorp. They will not accept any orders unless this information has been completed. 


  • Lab Bill To: Select the correct option from the drop-down list to indicate who is responsible for the lab bill. 
  • Lab Patient Class: Choose the correct patient status from the drop-down.
  • Lab Guarantor Type: Select the correct guarantor option.
  • Lab Guarantor: The options in this drop-down are pulled from the patient's contacts and contacts will only appear if the following fields are filled out.
    • First Name 
    • Last Name  
    • Contact type 
    • Relationship 
    • Phone 
    • Address Line 1 
    • City 
    • State 
    • Zip 
    • Note: To ensure successful integration, make sure that the first and last name fields only contain the patient's legal name, and that their preferred name or any nicknames are entered in the Preferred Name field.
  • Lab Guardian: The options in this drop-down are pulled from the patient's contacts. If the patient is 17 or younger (calculated from their entered date of birth). 2023-04-13_10-39-03.png
    • The following fields must be filled out in the contact's profile or they will not appear in the drop-down. 
      • First Name 
      • Last Name  
      • Contact type 
      • Relationship 
      • Phone 
      • Email
      • Address Line 1 
      • City 
      • State 
      • Zip 
  • Lab Primary Insurance: The options for this field are drawn from documented insurances, and must contain the items listed in the Insurance and Payment section above). 2023-05-09_09-52-40.png
    • If the Lab Bill To field is set to Insurance, select Primary Insurance from the Lab Primary Insurance drop-down. Insurance will only display in the drop-down if the fields have been completed in the insurance section of the patient's facesheet. 
    • Lab Special Billing: Only use this field if the Lab Bill To drop-down is set to Special Billing.2023-04-13_11-09-21.png

Creating an Order

Once all the sections discussed above have been filled out, you can create an order.

  1. To begin, navigate to the Patient Chart.2023-04-13_13-41-32.png
  2. Then select the Lab Orders tab.2023-04-13_13-43-00.png
  3. Next, click Create.
  4. In the Create Medical Test Orders window, fill out the following fields. 2023-04-13_13-53-30.png
    1. Test Order: Select the correct ordering physician from the drop-down. 
    2. Phone, read and verified: Choose the method by which the order was communicated from the drop-down.
    3. Available Tests: Select the correct LabCorp option.
    4. Click Add.
  5. Complete the standard fields. The provider account is required for all LabCorp orders.2023-04-13_14-05-00.png
  6. Select Create.
  7. Your order is now created!

Creating Requisitions

  1. Click on Labs in the header, and then select Lab Test Requisition.2023-05-09_09-57-49.png
  2. Select Create from the Lab Test Requisition section.2023-05-09_09-59-26.png
  3. Search for your patient directly, or use the available filters to sort by date and availability.2023-05-09_10-02-45.png
  4. Select Create.2023-05-09_10-05-15.png
  5. Select the label icon and enter the Specimen ID.2023-05-09_10-34-07.png
  6. Select Off-Site Collection for any orders that require collection at a location other than the test site. 2024-11-20_14-11-15.png
  7. Scroll down and select Save and Send or simply click Save to save your changes to be sent later.

Printing Lab Corp Requisition

LabCorp requires special requisitions which must be printed. Once printed, peel the label from the bottom of the requisition, and place it on the collection container.


Signing Lab Results

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