How to add a new Round Activity to a location? [Master Instance]

  • Updated


If you are in a Master instance, you can make round activities location-specific by selecting the desired location(s) from the Locations drop-down.


Product Environment:

Kipu EMR, Roles: Super Admin


Access Patient Processes Setting: 

  1. Click on your initials and select Settings
  2. Open the Patients tab. This is the first tab within the settings menu and may have a different name e.g., Clients, depending on your setup.  
  3. Scroll to the Rounds Activity section. Tip: use Ctrl + F (Windows) or Cmd + F (Mac) to search on the page. 
  4. Click the Locations drop-down.
  5. Select the locations you would like for the activity to be an option when documenting rounds.
  6. Once you have selected the locations you will need to click Update to save these changes.

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