Kipu EMR + Kipu RCM (Avea) Integration Overview

  • Updated

This integration links the Kipu EMR with Kipu RCM, eliminating duplicate patient entry and manual errors while improving efficiency. With this integration, the Kipu EMR handles patient demographics and charges, while the RCM manages insurance, utilization plans, and billing as the single source of truth.

For organizations that also use the Kipu CRM, there are some additional integration benefits, including automatically generating prospective patient records in the RCM when a prospect is created in the CRM.

Integration Workflows

There are two integration workflow articles depending on which solutions you leverage from the Kipu product suite.

Process Documents

The following process documents describe how to leverage the Kipu EMR + RCM to build patient records, add utilization plans, document billables, and send these charges to Avea for billing. 


While most of this configuration is completed during your implementation process, these articles are available for reference when you need to make future updates, additions, or changes.

Patient Tab

From the Patient Settings tab, you can configure the following items: 

  • Levels of Care: Determine how each LOC offered by your organization will be billed for per-diem services. 
  • Payment Methods: Ensure Payment Methods have the correct category. 
  • Patient Billing Tab: Add the Billing Report to the patient chart for per-patient billing
  • Do Not Bill Reasons: Create a selection list of Do Not Bill Reasons for use on the Billing Report.

Billing Tab

From the Billing Settings tab, you can configure the following items:

  • Codes: Create CPT, HCPCS, and Revenue codes. 
  • Services: Create service codes to allow authorization numbers to be applied to specific services. 

Key Settings

  • Kipu RCM Konnector: The Kipu RCM Konnector ensures that the data in the Kipu EMR is routed to the correct facility in the RCM with the appropriate rendering provider.
  • Bill by Building: Billing by Building allows users to choose which RCM practice and rendering provider the billable items should be associated with based on the Building the patient is assigned to.
  • Bill by Program: Billing by Program allows users to choose which RCM practice and rendering provider the billable items should be associated with based on the Program the patient is assigned to.
  • User Roles and Permissions: Review the roles and permission to assign to your billing users. 
  • Configure Group Sessions/Evaluations: Set up per-diem and ancillary billable templates. 
  • Rendering Providers: Configure the system to send specific Rendering Providers to the RCM, if needed.

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