Bill by Building with Kipu RCM (Avea)

  • Updated

Billing by Building allows users to choose which RCM practice and rendering provider the billable items should be associated with based on the Building the patient is assigned to.

Create Buildings

Ensure Occupancy is enabled for your instance and each Location has buildings configured. Please follow these instructions

Enable Bill by Building

Let's review how to enable Bill by Building within each Location. 

  1. Click on your initials and select Settings.
  2. Open the Billing tab and click Location Settings.
  3. To update a location's settings, click the Edit icon.mceclip1.png
  4. Check Billing by Building and click OK.
  5. Repeat for additional locations as needed. 

Konnector Setup

At a minimum, a Konnector in the EMR must be configured for each RCM Facility that needs to be integrated with the EMR. Click here for instructions on configuring Avea Konnectors.

Note: If you need additional Konnectors created to support Bill by Building, please contact Support.  

Let's review an example:

I need to integrate my 2 EMR locations Treatment Center and Outpatient Center with my three RCM facilities. I also want to manage my Treatment Center billing based on building. My Treatment Center contains three buildings: Red which contains Detox and PHP patients, Blue which houses our male in-patient population, and Green which houses our female inpatients. The Outpatient Center doesn't have buildings, so I don't need to configure Bill by Building for that Location. 

I want to bill the Outpatient location and the Red building separately and bill the Blue and Green buildings together. 

Click on the image to expand

Tips for Using Bill by Building

Bill by Building allows you to bill patients in one EMR Location to different CMD Facilities or RCM Practices (depending on which billing integration you use). This allows you to submit claims from the same EMR Location with different billing addresses, Tax ID, NPIs, or separate credentials. 

Let's review some best practices for using Bill by Building:

  1. The patient must always be assigned a building and a bed.
  2. The system will use the Konnector that matches the Location/Building/Bed assigned to the patient on the billable item's Date of Service.
  3. When two Buildings are assigned with the same start date, the system will use the most recently assigned building for the billable items.
  4. When making retroactive changes to the patient chart (like changing the building/bed assignment), please wait 5 minutes before making another update to the same object. 
  5. Always make sure to delete any conflicting building assignments with the same start date.

If you are making retroactive changes to a patient whose documented services have already been generated on the billing report with the incorrect information, please contact support for assistance in updating the services to use the corrected data. 

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