Schedules Tab: Overview

  • Updated

The Schedules tab allows you to start and document Group Sessions, manage your Calendar (or Scheduler), and track patient attendance.


  • Scheduled Group Sessions: This tab allows your therapists (or other staff members with appropriate permissions) to view today's scheduled sessions and document their group notes. mceclip2.png
    • Click here for instructions on setting up Group Sessions. 
  • Past Group Sessions: This tab allows users to view all existing group sessions in In Progress, Pending Review, or Completed statuses.mceclip1.png
  • Attendance: This tab allows users to track patient attendance and absences. mceclip3.png 
    • Click here for instructions on setting up Attendance Tracker. 
  • Calendar: Manage patient appointments and telehealth sessions. mceclip4.png
  • Note: The Calendar feature is in the process of being replaced by the brand-new Kipu Scheduler. This upgraded calendar is designed to facilitate complex workflows when scheduling and managing patient appointments and group sessions.

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