Patient Portal Packages

  • Updated

Portal Packages allow you to bundle forms into a consolidated package and share that package to the patient's portal account with a single click. This new feature makes it easier than ever to share multiple consent and evaluation forms with the patient and reduces the number of email notifications the patient will receive when forms are shared. 

Setting Up Portal Packages

To get started, you will first need to create one or more portal packages.

Required Permissions: Portal Packages can be created by users with the Manage Portal Settings or Manage Portal Packages role.

Create a Portal Package

Let's review the steps for creating a portal package. 

  1. Click on your initials and choose Settings.
  2. Open the Portal tab and choose Packages.
  3. Click Add Package.
  4. Name the package and select the Locations that this package will be available in. Please note that every package must have a unique name or you will not be able to save.
  5. Next, select at least two documents to include in the package from the Available Documents list. You can search by the form Name (3 characters required to search), filter by the assigned patient chart Tab, and filter by the Portal Signer (patient, guardian, or guarantor).
    1. Important: For a document to appear in this list, the form must be Enabled, marked as Available for portal, be available in the selected Location(s), and be assigned to a patient chart tab that the user creating the package can access. Any forms assigned to protected tabs that the user doesn't have access to, will not appear in this list. 
  6. From the Available Documents list, you can: 
    1. Hover over the (i) icon to review the Portal Signers.
    2. Quickly identify whether the document is a Consent form (C) or Evaluation form (E).
    3. Click on the ID to review the template.
  7. To select a form, simply click on the title. The form will be moved to the Selected Documents list.
  8. Forms can be any type (consent or evaluation) and do not have to be housed on the same tab. 
  9. Once you have your package of documents, click Create.

Note: If a form within a package is no longer valid (e.g., it does not meet the criteria of being Enabled, available for the specific location(s), or marked as Available for portal), you will see the following error icon. Hover over for more information on why the form will no longer be included.  

Managing Portal Packages

You can edit, clone, and delete portal packages using the related icons.

Please note that a deleted package cannot be restored, and any packages accidentally deleted in error will need to be manually rebuilt. Fortunately, deleting portal packages has no impact on forms that have already been shared as part of that package. 

For a less permanent option, we recommend disabling packages. To disable a portal package, open the package and toggle off the Enabled switch. Click the Update button to save your changes.

Sharing Forms with Portal Packages

Let's review the process for sharing portal forms with packages. 

Required Permissions: Users must have the Allow documents share role in order to use portal packages to share documents with the patient portal. 

  1. First, in order to share a package, the forms will already need to be added to the patient chart.
    • If the form hasn't already been added, you'll receive an error when attempting to use a portal package.
  2. From the patient chart, click on the Share portal package icon. Please note this icon will only appear when the location has at least one portal package configured.
  3. From the Share to Portal window, you can review the available packages and click on the expansion arrows to review the documents in each package. 
  4. You can also review any errors that would prevent the package from being sent. You will receive an error if the form is not marked as Available for portal, if the form hasn't been added to the patient chart, or if the user sending the package doesn't have access to the form (e.g. they don't have access to a protected tab). 
  5. Click on the Share icon to send all documents in the package to the patient portal.
  6. Click on the checkbox for each portal user you want to share the package with (patient, guardian, and/or guarantor). Note: You can share the forms with all available portal users, even if their signature is not required on the form. 

Duplicate Forms: If some of the forms in the package have already been shared with the patient portal, sharing the package will not cause these forms to be reshared, they will simply be skipped.

Multiple Forms

If there are multiple forms created based on the same template (e.g. a consent to release information was automatically generated for both patient contacts), both copies of the form will be shown in the expanded view of the package and both will get shared with the portal user.

Unsharing Forms

Additionally, forms shared via the portal package can be manually unshared from the patient chart if desired by locating the form, clicking on the Share icon, and unchecking the Share to portal box.

Portal User Experience

When a package is shared with the portal user(s), they will receive a single email notification. The user will still need to review each form and—for all forms requiring signature—sign them individually. Packages sent more than 5 minutes apart will generate separate email notifications. Clicking Open Portal will take the user to their Portal Dashboard.

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