Enroll Patients in the Patient Portal

  • Updated

Send an email invitation to a patient, guardian, or guarantor to register for a portal account. This article covers sending portal invites from the Facesheet or Portal Directory. 

Invite from Facesheet

You can invite the patient and contacts (guarantor or guardian) added to their chart from the facesheet. The following table breaks down which elements each user role can view.


Patient Guardian Guarantor
Dashboard All All except for preferred name All except for preferred name
My Information All All except for except for gender identity None
My Appointments All All None
My Documents

All evaluations and consents shared with them, all outcomes

All evaluations and consents shared with them, no outcomes All evaluations and consents shared with them, no outcomes
My Treatment Plans All plans shared with them All plans shared with them All plans shared with them
My Medications All All None
My Files Upload Upload Upload
My Account Yes, for their own information Yes, for their own information Yes, for their own information


(if enabled)

Can send messages to and receive messages from available EMR users Can send messages to and receive messages from available EMR users Can send messages to and receive messages from available EMR users
  1. Open the Patient Chart and confirm the patient has an email address on file in the Information tab.

  2. Click the Invite to Portal.mceclip8.png
  3. Ensure the email is correct, then click Yes.
  4. You’ll receive an alert at the top of the patient facesheet until the invitation is accepted by the patient.mceclip6.png
  5. The process for inviting the contact is the same. Simply scroll down to the Contacts section of the facesheet and click Invite to Portal.mceclip4.png
  6. Only contacts with the Relationship of Guarantor or Guardian can be invited to the portal.mceclip3.png

Email Invite Example

The patient/contact will receive an email branded with your company name, logo, and phone number. 

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