My Messages: Patient Guide

  • Updated

The Patient Portal My Messages feature allows bidirectional secure messaging between portal users and users with the Available for portal messages role.

To enable My Messages, a Super Admin can follow these instructions

Send a Message

Portal users (patients or their guardians and guarantors) can message any provider assigned to their care team. Only a single user with the Available for portal messages role can be messaged at a time. 

  1. Log into the Patient Portal.
  2. Click on the My Messages icon in the header. mceclip8.png
  3. Click Compose. mceclip9.png
  4. Select a chart from the Regarding drop-down (if you have more than one episode of care with the organization). 
  5. Select a Recipient from the available providers. Users in the UK will be instructed to call 999 rather than 911. mceclip10.png
  6. Enter an optional Subject.
  7. Enter Message.
  8. Click Send.mceclip11.png

Respond to a Message

The portal user will receive an email notification when a new portal message has been sent for their review. 


To review and respond to the message:

  1. Log into the portal by clicking on Open Inbox and entering your email address and password. 
  2. Click on the Messages icon in the header. The number inside of the badge indicates the number of unread messages. mceclip1.png
  3. Unread messages (indicated by a blue dot) appear in chronological order with the newest message listed first. mceclip3.png
  4. Click on the Reply button to respond to the care team member. Important: Changes to portal user permissions and/or care team member assignments may disable the ability to reply to a message.
  5. Enter your response and click Send.

Manage Inbox

Archive Conversations

To archive a conversation, click on the Archive icon in any message thread. 


Unarchive Conversations

You can unarchive conversations if desired. Note that a new message in an archived conversation will automatically move the conversation to the Active section of the inbox. 

  • From the Archived section, click the Unarchive button within the conversation. mceclip6.png
  • Alternatively, reply to an archived conversation to move it to the Active section.mceclip7.png

Searching Conversations

In the Search field, enter a name or keyword criteria. Note you must enter at least 3 characters. To clear the search, click X on the right of the field. mceclip12.png

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