Patient Portal: Shared Files and Documents

  • Updated

The Patient Portal allows Kipu EMR staff and patients to interact virtually by sharing Files and Documents. This article also details which fields patients can interact with in the shared documentation.

Staff members must have the Allow document share role enabled on their user profile by a Super Admin or user with the Manage Portal Settings permission before they can share files and documents to the Portal. Click here for instructions on enabling this role. 

Receiving Shared Files

Portal users can upload files including their IDs, insurance cards, and profile pictures. Once the patient has uploaded those files, they are available under the External Attachments Directory. 

  1. Open the patient chart. 
  2. Scroll to the end of the patient’s Information tab. Click External Attachments Directory. mceclip2.png
  3. From this page, you can view the attachment by clicking on the Link.mceclip1.png
  4. You can download the image from the link by right-clicking on the image and choosing Save Image As... This image can then be uploaded to the appropriate section of the patient facesheet.

  5. You can also delete images using the X.

Sharing Documents

Share documents and treatment plans to the patient portal. This allows the patient to review, complete, and sign the related form. Patient outcomes are automatically shared to the portal and appear in the My Documents section. No additional steps are needed. 

Important: Users must have the Allow document share role added to their profile in order to share consent and evaluation forms. 

In addition to sharing documents one at a time, you can bundle forms into a single package and share them in bulk. For more information on creating portal packages, check out this article.

  1. Once the form is added to the related tab and the provider has completed any documentation, the form can be sent to the patient portal. Both complete documentation and documentation requiring a signature can be sent to the portal. 
  2. Next to the document, click on the Share icon. Please note that only users with the Allow document share role will see the Share icon for templates that have been set up as shareable to the Portal, click here to learn more. blobid0.png
  3. Select the portal users to send the document to. This includes the patient and any contacts added to the portal as their guardian or guarantor.blobid1.png
  4. Successfully shared forms have a checkmark next to them. 
  5. Patients will receive an email for the shared document. When they click Open Portal, they will be taken to their Portal dashboard.   87b72292-5821-458c-b7ff-162df9a57512.png
    1. Note: If you share more than one document, there is a 5 minute delay between the time when you share the last document and the time the system sends an email to the patient. This delay allows the system to send a single notification email to the patient noting the number of new documents rather than one email for each individual document.

Evaluation Fields for Portal Users

The following table describes how each specific evaluation field will appear in the patient portal. The two locations where documents can be shared are My Documents (Consent Forms, Evaluations, Patient Outcomes) and My Treatment Plans. While many fields are Read-only, the patient does have the ability to update those identified below.

Evaluation Field In My Documents section In My Treatment Plans section
attachment User can download attachments but cannot upload User can download attachments but cannot upload
auto-complete User can edit Read-only
care_team... field types Read-only Read-only
check_Box User can edit Read-only
check_box_first_value_none User can edit Read-only
conditional_question User can edit Read-only
create_evaluation Not visible Not visible
datestamp User can edit Read-only
drop_down_list User can edit Read-only
evaluation_date User can edit Read-only
evaluation_datetime User can edit Read-only
evaluation_name Read-only Read-only
evaluation_name_drop_down Read-only Read-only
evaluation_start_and_end_time User can edit Read-only
formatted_text Read-only Read-only
golden_thread_tag Not visible Not visible
image  User can edit Read-only
image_with_canvas User can edit Read-only
matrix User can edit Read-only
notes Not visible Not visible
patient.admission_date Read-only Read-only
patient.allergies Read-only Read-only
patient.anticipated_discharge_date Read-only Read-only
patient.attendances Not visible Not visible
patient.bed Read-only Read-only
patient.bmi Read-only Read-only
patient.brought_in_medicaition Read-only Read-only
patient.ciwa_ar Not visible Not visible
patient.ciwa_ar_current Read-only Read-only
patient.ciwa_b Not visible Not visible
patient.ciwa_b_current Read-only Read-only
patient.cows Not visible Not visible
patient.cows_current Read-only Read-only
patient.diagnosis_codes Read-only Read-only
patient.diets Read-only Read-only
patient.discharge_datetime Read-only Read-only
patient.discharge_medications Read-only Read-only
patient.discharge_type Read-only Read-only
patient.drug_of_choice Read-only Read-only
patient.electronic_devices Read-only Read-only
patient.employer Read-only Read-only
patient.ethnicity Read-only Read-only
patient.glucose_log Read-only Read-only
patient.height_weight Read-only Read-only
patient.level_of_care_clinical Read-only Read-only
patient.level_of_care_ur Read-only Read-only Read-only Read-only
patient.martial_status Read-only Read-only
patient.medication_current Read-only Read-only
patient.occupation Read-only Read-only
patient.orthostatic_vital_signs_current Read-only Read-only
patient.orthostatic_vitals Not visible Not visible
patient.recurring_forms Not visible Not visible
patient.toggle_mars_generation Not visible Not visible
patient.vital_signs Not visible Not visible
patient.vital_signs_current Read-only Read-only
point_items User can edit Read-only
points_total Read-only Read-only
problem_list Read-only Read-only
progress_note Read-only Read-only
radio_buttons User can edit Read-only
rounds_assignment Read-only Read-only
string User can edit Read-only
text User can edit Read-only
timestamp User can edit Read-only
title Read-only Read-only
treatment_plan_column_titles Read-only Read-only
treatment_plan_goal Read-only Read-only
treatment_plan_item Read-only Read-only
treatment_plan_master_plan Read-only Read-only
treatment_plan_objective Read-only Read-only
treatment_plan_problem Read-only Read-only

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