View and Send Messages

  • Updated

Communicate with other Kipu EMR Users with the Messages feature. Messages allow you to:  

  • Message one or more EMR users at a time. 
  • Send messages about a specific patient, directly from their chart.  

Message Patients: If your organization is using the Patient Portal, you will also be able to message patients directly if you are part of their care team. Click here to learn more.

Important: Messages are not included in the patient’s official medical record. Anything that should be documented in their medical record should be entered into the Notes section of the patient chart which can be included in the Case File. mceclip9.png

Message Inbox

View and send messages from the Message tab.  

  1. Click on the envelope badge in the header to open Messages.
  2. Conversations will display the oldest message first and the newest last. 
  3. From the Message inbox, click Compose to send new messages, view all conversations, archive old conversations, and search your message history. mceclip1.png
  4. To respond to an existing message, open the conversation and click the Reply button. mceclip5.png
  5. Type in your response and click Send
  6. To archive a message, click on the Archive icon on the conversation.
  7. The message will automatically move into the Archived section.

Messages Related to a Patient 

Let’s review how to send messages related to a specific patient. 

  1. From the Information tab of the patient’s chart, click New Message. mceclip10.png
  2. From the New Message window, select Recipients, enter an optional Subject, and type your message. Click Send.
  3. The message recipient(s) will receive a message indicator in the EMR header. mceclip14.png

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