User Tabs Overview

  • Updated

Each Kipu EMR user has menu options nested under their account. It’s important to note that the tabs you have in your profile are specific to the user roles and features added to your account. While all users have access to the Profile and Messages tabs, the others are permission-based. 

User Tabs

The following features can be included with your user account.


  • Profile: Manage your user profile details including NPI, sign with PIN, and password. 
  • Messages: Send messages to other Kipu EMR users. 
  • Notifications: Review notifications generated by in-app events. 
  • Downloads: Review the Casefiles and PDF Packages you’ve created. 
  • CDR: For use with the Kipu Lab integration, you can review the PDF Packages that the labs have pulled as part of the testing process.
  • Chart Tracker: Review a history of all transfers and readmits completed using Chart Tracker. Create packages of consents and evaluations to use when transferring/readmitting patients. 
  • Incoming: Accept transferred patients from another Kipu Instance, a different Kipu Location, or from the Kipu CRM. 
  • Chart Tracker: Review a history of all transfers and readmits completed using Chart Tracker. Create packages of consents and evaluations to use when transferring/readmitting patients. 
  • Manage Faxes: View outgoing faxes (typically pharmacy orders) and troubleshoot failed faxes.
  • PDF Packages: Create PDF Packate templates to easily pull patient chart information into a convenient package
  • My Schedules: Set and manage their own Resource Schedule.


Badges appear at the top of the Kipu EMR when one of the following items needs your attention. Important: Badges won’t display if there is nothing new that needs to be addressed or if you don’t have the permission to access that feature. 


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