PDF Packages allow you to easily pull patient chart information into a convenient package. Unlike Casefiles, you can choose exactly which content goes into your PDF Packages.
These PDFs are helpful in many scenarios, including:
- Transferring the patient to a different facility
- Pull medical records for a court case
- Filing an audit for a denied insurance claim
Required: Users must have the Manage PDF packages feature in their user profile to create PDF packages from this tab. Users who simply need to review what is included in a PDF package can be assigned the View PDF packages feature. However, don’t assign both permissions to the same user. These will conflict and limit the user’s access.
PDF Package Tab
Let’s review how to create a PDF package template.
Click on your initials and choose PDF Packages.
From the PDF Packages tab, click New.
Name your PDF package. This is the name the user will select when generating a PDF package from the patient’s chart.
- Set the Owner. This defaults to the person creating the package and can be used to limit who can use/edit this package using the Editable by and Viewable by options.
- Check the Enabled box. This ensures the Package template is available for use.
- Next, determine who can edit this package and who can view (use) this PDF package.
Use the checkboxes to select the Sections you’d like to include in the package.
If you selected the Consent Forms or Evaluations sections, be sure to select the desired documents from the related columns.
- Grayed out Consents or Evaluations indicates the template has been disabled. You can still add these to your PDF packages to capture any past documentation using this disabled version of the form.
When done, click Save PDF Package at the bottom of the screen.
Next, click Edit on the package you just created. This will allow us to set the order for each item within the package.
- Use the drag icons (click and drag) on each of the selected items to reposition their package order.
- When complete, click Save PDF Package.
- You can create as many packages as you need.
Customize PDF Headers
You can customize the patient information that is displayed in the header of each page of the patient's PDF package. Click here for instructions.
Create a PDF Package of a Patient’s Chart
Let’s review how to create a PDF Package of the Patient’s Chart using the PDF Package template.
- Open the patient chart and click on the PDF Package icon.
Select a PDF Package from the drop-down. These are templates created by your organization.
Some boxes will be selected by default. Click on the other items to include them in the PDF Package.
- Include Pending Forms: Select this option to include forms added to the patient chart that haven’t been completed yet like Consents and Evaluations. By default, only completed forms are included in PDF Packages.
- Include Golden Thread List: Select this option to include the Golden Thread list.
- Page Numbers: Ensure each PDF page is numbered (e.g., 1 of 27 pages).
- Sort Chronologically: Override the manual sort order applied when the package was created and ensure that each item is added based on when it was completed.
Add Date Range Filter: Only include a specific date range in the package.
- Customize: If you click customize, you can choose to remove or reorder items in the package. Uncheck the boxes by the information you wish to remove, and click the six grey dots next to the item you wish to move, and drag it to the desired spot. This feature can be enabled or disabled under Settings > Instances.
Click Generate.
- The PDF Package will generate. Depending on the size of the case, this can take several minutes to several hours.
Once the PDF Package is complete, you’ll receive a Download badge in the EMR header.
You can view your PDF Package download progress and access completed PDF Packages from your Downloads tab.
- Click on the Link to automatically download the PDF Package to your computer.
Create a PDF Package of a Specific Tab
Quickly create PDF Packages of all the forms contained within a tab on the patient’s chart.
- From the patient’s chart, open the tab containing the forms you want to make into a package.
Click on the PDF Package icon.
From the drop-down, select Forms in Current Tab.
- Review your options, like determining whether you want to include non-completed forms or customize order/contents, and click Generate.
- The PDF Package will generate.
- You can view your PDF Package download progress and access completed PDF Packages from your Downloads tab.
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