The Patient Flags functionality allows you to record and share relevant or critical information about the patient. There are three flag severities: critical (red), warning (yellow), and informational (blue). Let's review how to add flags to a patient chart.
New to flags? Click here to learn how to set up flags for your organization.
Add a Flag
You can add a flag to a patient chart by clicking on the Flag icon from the Patients tab or the patient chart.
To add a flag:
- Click on the Flag icon.
- From the Flag drop-down select a Flag option. If you have a lot of flags, you can use the search box to locate the correct one.
- Note: You will only be able to add and see flags that have been set up with user functions that match the functions enabled on your user profile (for example, a nurse would not be able to view, add, or edit a flag that was only was made available to admins).
- The Start date defaults to Now, but you can date this flag in the future if needed.
- The End date is optional and allows you to automatically expire the flag.
- Enter an optional Comment.
- Click Assign to add the flag.
- A color-coded badge for the flag now appears on the Patient tile: blue for informational, yellow for warning, and flashing red for critical. Each badge displays a number, which is the number of flags of that severity added to the patient.
Severity Behaviors
Informational and Warning Flags
Informational and Warning flags are displayed on the patient tile and chart as passive colored and numbered badges.
Click on one of the colored badges will display only badges of that type (e.g., information or warning). Clicking the Flag badge will display all flags added to the patient chart.
From either of these views, you can interact with the flags in the following ways:
Resolve: Use the Checkmark to resolve this flag. The Resolution reason is optional for informational and warning flags.
Acknowledge: Use the Eye icon to acknowledge that you've read the critical flag. This stops the flag from flashing for your user profile.
Cancel: Use the Cancel icon to remove the alert without providing a resolution reason.
Critical Flags
Critical flags are used for items that must be acknowledged by all staff interacting with the patient’s chart. Common uses include noting if the patient was overhead discussing self-harm, has shown self-destructive behaviors, eating disorders, or other high-risk issues. Creating a critical flag ensures that each user who opens the patient chart must acknowledge the flag.
Critical flags appear as a flashing red alert on the patient tile and chart.
Each time the patient's chart is opened, the user will be presented with the Critical Flags popup.
You can interact with the flag in the following ways:
Resolve: Use the checkmark to end this critical flag. You will be required to enter the Resolution reason to remove the flag.
- Acknowledge: Use the eye icon to acknowledge that you've read the critical flag. This stops the flag from flashing for your user profile.
- Cancel: Use the Cancel icon to remove the alert without providing a resolution reason.
Flags Chart Tab
You can view a list of all patient flags (open, resolved, or canceled) from the Flags tab on the patient chart.
The flag Status is related to action taken on the flag (e.g. Acknowledge, Resolve, Cancel):
- Pending: These are active flags that are waiting on resolution or expiration through an End Date. Pending flags that you haven't personally acknowledged appear in bolded font.
- Resolved: These flags have a Resolved status and Resolution reason.
- Canceled: These flags appear with a strike-through and red background.
Click on the flag's Name to open a Flag Details section which displays more information about the flag including who has acknowledged it. You can also use this section to provide Annotations (e.g., notes).
Flag Reporting
Using the Flags reporting tab, you can review all flags added to patients across your organization. Click here to learn more.
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