Pre-Admission patients are those who do not have an MR Number added to their facesheet. Pre-admission charts help track potential patients from the initial point of contact, through benefit verification, assessment, and arrangement for admission.
Create custom statuses to assign to the Pre-Admission records from the Patients Settings tab. For instructions and troubleshooting, check out the Patients Settings article.
Create a Pre-Admission Chart
Let's review how to create a new pre-admission chart and assign a pre-admission status.
- Click the + New patient button from the Patients tab.
- Complete the known information fields and click Add patient.
- The Information tab (also called the facesheet) will be automatically opened in Edit mode.
- The first section of the chart is specifically for Pre-Admission use. Here you can record:
- Date of first contact (defaulted to today)
- Representative on intake call (defaulted to the user that is logged into KIPU)
- Name of first contact
- First contact phone
- Relationship to Patient
- Select a Pre-admission status for the record (optional).
- If you select Archive as Pre-Admission Status, click here to learn more.
Finding Patients in Pre-Admission
To access Pre-Admission patients from the Patient landing page, click on the Pre-Admission button.
In the Pre-Admission view, filter buttons for each pre-admission status will appear at the bottom of the right side of the screen. Clicking on the desired status will display all patients with that status added to their facesheet.
You can also use the Search function (in the page header or on the patient page) to locate a specific record.
Pre-Admission Evaluations
During the pre-admission process, you can gather consent forms, perform assessments, and record additional notes or activities, such as travel arrangements, etc. Any Consent form or Evaluation marked as a Pre-admission form may be used on patients without an MR Number or Admission Date.
Note: When a pre-admission chart with appointments and/or group sessions assigned is marked as Archived all the current and future appointments will be automatically removed and any related appointment communications will be triggered as Canceled Appointments.
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