Referring a patient to another facility or location ensures that patients receive the care and treatment that best suits their needs. A patient may be referred to another agency for diverse reasons, including:
- If the facility or healthcare professional determines the patient’s needs are beyond the scope of their practice or expertise.
- If a patient requires specialized care or treatment not offered at the current facility.
- If the facility does not accept the patient’s insurance.
Workflow Steps
To refer a patient to a different facility, follow the steps below in Kipu EMR.
- From the patient’s chart, click on Edit Patient.
- Type in the name of the source in the Referrer field. If you have used the referral source before, select it from the drop-down. If it is a new entry, the system will save the name and you can navigate to the Contacts section to fill out all the relevant information. If you want to learn more about contacts, click here.
- Click on the PDF Package icon to prepare the patient’s record. Click here to learn more about PDF packages.
Note: Super Admins can create a Casefile instead. Click here to learn more about casefiles.
- Change the patient’s pre-admission status to Archive.
You can use the internal facility form to document that the patient has been referred to another facility. Most facilities use the pre-screening form depending on their protocols. This concludes the best practices in Kipu to refer a patient to another facility.
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