Patients Overview

  • Updated

The Patients tab contains an overview of your census, filters, and access to other items in your patient database. This page is often referred to as the Landing page because it is the first page that opens when you log into the Kipu EMR.

Note: Because the name of this tab is customizable, it can be renamed to the nomenclature your organization uses to refer to the individuals receiving treatment.


Patient Census

Each of the patients in your census is represented by a Patient Tile. You can access the patient's chart by clicking on their tile. Patients appear in one of the three statuses located at the top of the page for your review. 


  • The Census consists of patients that have admission dates today or in the past and a discharge date in the future (or no discharge date).
  • Incoming indicates how many patients you have with admission date and time later today and patients with an admission date but without MR number (these patient tiles contain a red dot).
  • Discharges indicates how many patients you have with discharge date and time later today (these tiles contain a green dot).

Patient Tile Information

The icons on the patient's tiles allow the user to easily identify important information about this patient:

  • Patient Picture: If no picture has been uploaded to the facesheet, a male or female silhouette image will display.
  • Patient Program: Patient tiles are color-coded to reflect the Patient Program added to the patient facesheet. 

Top-left corner of the thumbnail:

Bottom-left corner of the thumbnail:

  • Patient Name: The patient's full name or first name and last initial based on your Patient Name Format Instance Setting.
  • MR number: If present on the facesheet.

Bottom-right corner of the thumbnail:

  • Assigned bed, if present.

Patient Tile Icons

16m1vf.gif The urgent issues badge displays the number of urgent issues inside of a flashing red badge.
Pending-Admission.png This red dot indicates the patient has an admission date and time later today, or the patient has an admission date in the past but doesn't have an MR Number added to their facesheet.
Discharge.png The green dot indicates the patient has a discharge date of today.

This icon indicates the patient has a Drug allergy added to their facesheet.

Food-Allergy.png This icon indicates the patient has a Food allergy added to their facesheet.

This icon indicates the patient has an Environmental allergy added to their facesheet.

mceclip4.png This icon indicates the patient has an Other allergy type added to their facesheet. 
Special-Diet.png This icon indicates the patient has special dietary need(s).

The patient has unreviewed Lab Result(s)

mceclip2.png Click to view or add patient flags.

Navigation & Filters

The right-hand side of the Patients page contains key actions like creating a new patient, quick filters, and a patient search. 

  1. Use the + New button to create a patient.
  2. Click on the List icon to display the census as a list that displays additional information about the patient.
  3. Print the page or convert to a PDF.
  4. Click the Pre-Admission button to view all charts in the pre-admission status. 
  5. Click the Current button to view the Current Census. 
  6. Use the Arriving (Today/Tomorrow) or Discharging (Today/Tomorrow) to filter your view to patients who are arriving today/tomorrow or discharging today/tomorrow.
  7. Use the Review options to filter your view to patients whose next authorization review date is today, tomorrow, or past due by date range. This filter is only available to Super Admins or users with UR Internal/External roles. 
  8. Use the Pending (Admission/Discharge) options to filter your view to patients who are pending Admission or Discharge. 
  9. Search for patients. 
  10. Use the Chart Audit button to review discharged patients whose charts have not been closed yet. 
  11. Filter your view by Programs
  12. Use the Custom Filters section to filter by tag or tag groups. 

Filter by Custom Date Range

You can choose the desired date range for your Arriving, Discharge, and Review filters by clicking on the title of the filter section.

Required Permissions
The Review filter is only available for users with the Super Admin or UR Internal/External roles.


Then, input the desired Start and End dates. Click Search to view your results.  1.png

If the Only Newest Matches toggle is disabled, the list will show all patients with authorizations matching the entered date range. If the Only Newest Matches toggle is enabled, the filter lists only patients with the most recent Next Review Date matching the entered date range.

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