Archive Pre-Admission Charts

  • Updated

Pre-Admission charts can be archived and removed from the landing page if the admission does not move forward.  

Follow the steps below to archive a Pre-Admission chart.

  1. To begin, click on the Pre-Admission button on the Landing Page. A screenshot of a group of women

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  2. Select the desired patient to be archived.
    A screenshot of a computer screen

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  3. Click on the Edit Patient button. 
    A screenshot of a computer

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  4. Select the Archive option from the Pre-Admission Status section of the face sheet. 
    A blue box with black text

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  5. Click Update at the end 
    A screenshot of a computer

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    Locating Archived Records

    After completing the archive process, the chart is no longer available in the Landing Page. However, you can use the following methods to locate the archived record:  

  • Use the search function (in the page header or on the patient page) to locate the record. 
    A screenshot of a computer

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  • Use the Archive filter from the Pre-Admission Categories to display the archived patients. 
    A screenshot of a computer screen

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