Dashboard: Actions

  • Updated

The Actions tab displays all patients that have action orders due for administration 24 hours before and after the current time. For information on creating action orders, see the articles on creating custom and quick orders.

Required Permissions: This tab is available to users with the roles of Doctor, Nurse, or Super Admin.

If you have chosen a certain location in the header drop-down (provided that you have access to more than one location), only buildings, patients, and programs associated with that location will appear. blobid0.png

To reach the Actions tab, click on Dashboard > Actions

  1. Print: Click on the Print icon to print a copy of the Actions tab.
  2. PDF: Click on the PDF icon to download a copy of the Actions tab.

The tab is organized by time slot, and each patient who has an action order assigned at that time will appear under it. For example, if two patients both had action orders due at 9:00 PM on October 16th, they would both appear under the timeslot. blobid1.png


Patient information includes the following items drawn from their patient chart. blobid2.png

  • Name: If you click on the patient’s name, you will be taken to their chart.
  • Birth Sex/Gender
  • MR number
  • Bed
  • Program
  • Flags (if any): Clicking on an individual flag will open it in a pop-up. Clicking on the flag icon will open a pop-up with all flags on the patient’s chart. blobid3.png


The Programs filters allow you to view orders connected to patients in specific programs like Detox, Residential, or any other programs your facility offers. Programs are created under Settings > Instance. Check out our article on setting up patient programs for more information.

The buildings filters will show all buildings in your instance, if you have any (for example, outpatient facilities will not have buildings). Click on the name of a specific building to view the orders attached to patients in specific buildings. If you need to create Buildings, check out this article. blobid5.png

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