Dashboard: Case Load

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Dashboard: Case Load Tabs

The Case Load tabs list the patients that have been assigned to specific care teams (Case Managers, Primary Therapists, Primary Physicians, and Primary Nurses), per your organization's preferences. For instructions on adding care team members to a patient, please see this article.

Required Permissions
Super Admins, Records Admins, Primary Nurses, Primary Physicians, Primary Therapists and Case Managers can see the Case Load tabs.

To access the Case Load tabs, click on Dashboard and select the desired case load tab. See image below.

While each tab is specific to user type, they function in the exact same manor.

  • Case Manager Load: Shows all patients with assigned case managers.
  • Therapist Case Load: Shows all patients with assigned primary therapists.
  • Physician Case Load: Shows all patients with assigned primary physicians.
  • Nurse Case Load: Shows all patients with assigned primary nurses.

Depending on your organization’s needs, these tabs can be enabled or disabled, so you may not see them all. For instructions on hown to display or hide the Case Loads tabs, as well as how to change the names of the Physician and Therapist Case Load tabs, check out the Dashboard Options and Patient Options sections of the Instance Settings article respectively.

When you navigate to the a case load tab, you will see all patients with assigned care team members of that type by default.  However, you can also select specific care team members from the drop-down to view their specific case load.

The patient information includes the following (if present on the patient’s chart):

  • Name: Clicking on the patient’s name or photo will take you to their patient file.
  • Sex/gender
  • Flags: Clicking on a specific flag will show you the details of that flag, while clicking on the flags icon will show you details on all active flags.
  • MR and bed number
  • Admission date
  • Clinical LOC/UR LOC: If present, you can click on it to view the patient’s clinical or UR level of care history and print it out if desired.
  • Program
  • Care Team

Clicking on the Unassigned Patients tab will show you all the patients in the system who have not been assigned to someone from that care team type.

Each tab also includes the following filters and options. 

  1. Print: Click on the Print icon to print a copy of the current tab.
  2. PDF: Click on the PDF icon to download a copy of the current tab.
  3. Custom Filters: This section allows you to sort patients by the custom filters set up in Settings (for more information on enabling custom filters, check out this article). You will be able to use already created custom filters. Super Admins can create new ones here as well. To filter by an existing custom filter, simply click on the button. Once you have selected an option, you can clear the selection by clicking the Clear Filters button.
    1. While any user can see and use custom filters created for their facility, only Super Admins can create them. To create a new filter, you can create new tags by simply typing them into the search field and add existing ones by typing them in and selecting them from the drop-down menu.
    2. Once you have added your desired tags, you can click the Submit button, if you do not wish to save the filter, and any matching results will appear. However, if you wish to save the filter for future use, click Save & Submit.
    3. You will be prompted to give the custom filter a name and click Save & Submit The new filter will appear below. 

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