Any user designated as a Round Leader can log observations for their assigned rounds. Round Leaders can be specified as user roles, functions, or individuals within the Round Template.
Features and Roles
The following features are tied to the Rounds functionality.
- Manage Rounds: Users with the Manage Rounds feature have full control over logging rounds, viewing full observation history, and assigning or dropping rounds.
- Review Rounds: Users with the Review Rounds feature can sign off on completed rounds logs.
- Manage Templates: Users with Manage Templates can create and customize Round Templates.
The following roles automatically include the Rounds permissions:
- Super Admins: Super Admins have full control of the Rounds feature including settings and templates.
- Records Admin: Records Admin has full control over logging rounds, reviewing the full observation history, and assigning/dropping rounds. Records Admin can also delete observed interval logs for incomplete rounds.
Below is a table that will help explain what each role can accomplish.
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