Shifts Overview

  • Updated

The Shift Reports tab allows staff to create and view shift notes. This section is typically used as a facility log where users can record relevant events and information that occurred during their shift.

Shifts can be used in conjunction with Rounds, or you can choose to use one over the other.


Create Shift Notes

To create a new Shift note, click New report. Once prompted, simply type in your report and add an attachment if needed. Accepted file types include JPG, PNG, DOC, PDF, or Excel. Once you are done, click on Save report.

Once the report is saved, it can only be updated by Super Admins or Records Admins.


Note: For users in a master instance, please select a Location from the header to display the New report button. The button is not available when you are under My Locations.

View Shift Reports

Shift reports are displayed in reverse chronological order (newest on top, oldest at the bottom). Notes with an attached file have a file extension icon. Click on the icon to view the attachment.

There are two ways to locate specific shift note(s):

  1. Click on Date Range to view Shift report(s) created between two specific dates.
  2. Use the Search function to find Shift report(s) based on keywords or a phrase.mceclip2.png

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