Rounds Overview

  • Updated

Rounds allow users to document the location and status of patients at prescribed intervals and collect vitals, orthostatic vitals, height/weight, and glucose reading entries. Further, Rounds can be assigned to specific users and will generate alerts for non-timely completion.

Rounds Functionality

The following features are available when using Rounds: 

Enable Rounds

Super Admins can complete the following setup steps: 

  1. Click on your initials and select Settings.
  2. Open the Instance tab.mceclip0.png
  3. Check Use Rounds in the Patient options section.mceclip1.png
  4. Scroll to the end of the page and click Update to save changes.

Round Location and Activities

Create custom Locations and Activities that will be used to document patient whereabouts and actions. Click here for instructions. 

Create Round Templates

Rounds Templates allow you to create rounds, add intervals, and indicate who is responsible for the round observation. You cannot begin documenting rounds until your location has at least one round template. Click here for instructions.

Enable User Permissions

Determine which users need additional Rounds permissions. Click here for more information.

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