Rounds: Assign and Drop a Round

  • Updated

To begin documenting observation logs for the round, you must first assign the round to the patient chart.

Required Permissions: Super Admins, Records Admins, and users with Manage Rounds features can assign or unassign rounds.

Assigning Rounds

Let's review how to assign rounds to a patient. 

  1. To assign rounds, open the patient's chart and click on the Rounds tab.mceclip0.png
  2. Click on the Assign Rounds button.
  3. Select the Round(s) to assign to this patient. You can select multiple rounds; all selected rounds will be highlighted green.
  4. Click Submit.mceclip2.png
  5. The patient will be included on the Rounds Observation Log once the round is started, or in the current interval for already In Process rounds. Learn how to start and document the rounds in the How to Manage Rounds article. 

Note: At the moment, you can only assign rounds individually. Bulk rounds assignment is not available.

Unassigning a Round

You can drop the round when you no longer need to observe the patient or need to switch the assigned rounds.

  1. To drop a round, open the patient chart and click on the Rounds tab. mceclip3.png
  2. Click the Drop button next to the round you want to unassign.
  3. Confirm the action in the pop-up by clicking OK.
  4. Once the round is dropped, the patient will no longer show on the Rounds Observation Log. You can later reassign the same round if necessary.
  5. All documented logs for dropped rounds will remain available under the patient's Observation Hx.mceclip5.png
  6. If the Round Template is deleted, the patient will be automatically dropped from this round.

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