Outcomes: Reviewing Results (Individual & Aggregated Reports)

  • Updated

When the patient has completed the assessment(s) and the system has analyzed the results, users can view individual patient results or aggregated reports. 

Required Permissions: Super Admins, Records Admins, Assessment Managers, Assessment Operators, and Outcomes Evaluators can view the patient assessment results. 

View Individual Results (Issue Report)

To review individual patient's assessment results: 

  1. Navigate to the Patient Assessments tab in the patient chart.mceclip1.png
  2. For any assessment with an Evaluated status, click on the Issue Report icon. mceclip0.png
  3. You can view the results in a Table (default) or Graph format. mceclip3.png
  4. You can export the results to a CSV file, as needed. 
  5. You can also click on the Issues Report button to run issue reports for any Evaluated assessment on the patient chart. mceclip2.png


Access All Patient Results

View all individual patient results from the Assessments Report.

  1. Click on Reports and open the Outcomes Measurement tab. mceclip3.png
  2. From the Assessments tab, use the Select Status filter to choose Evaluated and click Search. mceclip5.png
  3. Click on the Issues Report icon to view the patient results. mceclip6.png
  4. You can also search for assessments by patient name or date range to locate a specific set of assessments. 
  5. Use the Issues Report button (or click the Issues Report tab) to access Issue Reports for a patient related to a specific program. mceclip8.png

Issues Report

The Issues Report tab shows one or all results related to a specific program or assessment for the selected patient.

  1. Click on Reports and open the Outcomes Measurement tab. mceclip3.png
  2. From the Issues Report tab, select a Patient and Assessment from the drop-downs at minimum. mceclip10.png
  3. Results display with each completed assessment appearing as its own data column. mceclip11.png
  4. You can filter by Assessment Program if you'd like to exclude any one-off assessments added to the patient chart outside of the program's scheduled frequency.  
  5. You can also filter by Issue and Occurrence using the sidebar options. mceclip12.png

Aggregated Reports

There are two reports that allow you to view assessment data aggregated across your patients: the  Aggregated Issues Report and Aggregated by Assessment Number.

Both reports allow you to review aggregated data for each assessment and program. The maximum date range for reports is one year (based on completion date). You can update the date range to view assessments for a shorter period, as needed.

Additionally, filters are available allowing you to selec specific issues, locations, providers or levels of care to compare results by treatment provider or location. You can further customize your view by toggling off specific patients or assessment numbers. 

Aggregated Issues Report

The Aggregated Issues Report allows you to select an assessment (and optional program) and view all patient responses in one place by question/issue.

The baseline column shows the average combined score for each patient's first assessment. Subsequent assessments are shown in columns 2, 3, and so on, along with a percentage change (+/-) from the baseline. You are able to see progression or regression by issue or assessment over time against the average.


Aggregated by Assessment Number

The Aggregated by Assessment Number report allows you to see outcome results for each assessment number and compare the results to the baseline (average results from the first survey completed by all patients in the sample).

Please select an Assessment and Assessment number at minimum to run the report. The report is broken down by assessment, showing the patient results for each question in the baseline and the selected assessment occurrence.


The graph version of the report includes a dotted line for the baseline score overlaid with a bar for the score from the selected assessment for each patient.


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