Outcomes: Manage Patient Assessments

  • Updated

Once the patient is enrolled in an Assessment Program, assessments with auto-enrollment or assigned frequencies will be automatically added to the patient chart. These assessments will be automatically sent to the Patient Portal (if enrolled) or can be completed directly in the EMR. Additionally, you can manually add individual assessments to the patient chart as needed like when changing the Level of Care or for assessments without frequency like the TCU series. 

Required Permissions: Super Admins, Records Admins, Assessment Managers, and Assessment Operators can prepare and send assessments. 

Completing Patient Assessments

Enrolling a patient in an Outcomes Assessment Program automatically adds the assessment to the patient chart for completion if the program has a frequency established. If the program doesn't have an assigned frequency, you can manually add the assessment to the patient chart using the Prepare button as described in the Add Assessment to Chart section.


Complete Assessment in Portal

If the patient is enrolled in the patient portal, they will receive an email notification alerting them of the pending assessment and can complete the assessment from the My Documents section after logging in. 


Complete Assessment in EMR

Regardless of the patient's portal status, the assessment can be completed directly from the patient chart by clicking on the Play icon. mceclip6.png

You can use the lock and full-screen mode to allow the patient to complete the assessment directly in the EMR without being able to access any other information.

Add Assessments to Chart

If you have enrolled the patient in an Assessment Program without an assigned frequency, you must manually add the assessment to the patient chart for completion. If you would like to have the patient complete an assessment outside of the program's scheduled frequency, you can add an additional assessment to the patient chart. This can be helpful to stay on top of emerging conditions or indicate the patient has progressed to a point where they should be moved into a different treatment phase. 

If the patient has an active Patient Portal account, you can send the assessments directly to the patient to complete in the Portal. If the patient doesn't have access to Portal, the patient can complete the assessment in the EMR. 

  1. Navigate to the Patient Assessments tab in the patient chart.mceclip9.png
  2. Click on Prepare.
  3. Use the checkboxes to select the assessment(s) you'd like the patient to complete. Note: Only assessments for the programs the patient is enrolled in will appear on this list. mceclip10.png
  4. Click Prepare.
  5. Refresh the page to see newly added assessments on the list of patient assessments.mceclip11.png
  6. The patient can complete the assessment directly in the EMR or in the patient portal if enrolled. 

Note: Any assessment manually added to the chart does not impact the program's scheduled frequency. This is simply an extra assessment that you are adding in addition to the scheduled frequency. All the scheduled assessments will continue being created on the Assess On dates.

View Scheduled Assessments

When you enroll the patient in an assessment program with a defined frequency (e.g., every 14 days), you can view a list of all upcoming assessments for the patient and their related due dates.

  1. Navigate to the Patient Assessments tab in the patient chart.mceclip0.png
  2. Click Schedule.
  3. The section contains the list of upcoming assessments with the dates the assessment will be available indicated in the Assess On column.mceclip2.png
  4. If there are any assessments due today, you will see the Process Due Today button. Click the button if you want to process them right away.

View All Scheduled Assessments

Use the Assessments report to view all scheduled assessments.

  1. Click on Reports and open the Outcomes Measurement tab. mceclip3.png
  2. From the Assessments tab, click Schedule. mceclip4.png
  3. This view lists all upcoming scheduled assessments. mceclip5.png

Pending Assessments

You can locate which assessments are waiting on patient completion from the Dashboard or using the Assessments report. 


The Current Census and Discharged Patients tabs in the Dashboard display the number of generated but incomplete assessments for each patient under the Completable Outcomes Assessments link. Clicking this link directs you to the patient assessments tab on the chart. 



You can view all incomplete assessments from the Assessments report. 

  1. Click on Reports and open the Outcomes Measurement tab. mceclip3.png
  2. From the Assessments tab, use the Select Status filter to select Ready and Started.mceclip7.png
  3. The system will display all patient assessments in those statuses. You can additionally include the patient's name in Search field if you want to pull assessments for a specific patient or a date range e.g. for assessments for the past week.

Assessment Statuses

The Outcome Measurement tab on the patient chart will list all patient assessments with color-coded labels to indicate their status and if any action is needed.

  • Ready: The assessment is prepared and ready for the patient to fill out. For patients using the Patient Portal, this means the assessment has been sent to the Patient Portal. Portal users will receive an email alert letting them know they have a new document available in their portal.
  • Started: The patient has started the assessment but has not completed it yet.
  • Scheduled: The assessment is scheduled to be completed based on the assigned program frequency. This status appears in the Schedule section of the Patient Assessments tab.
  • Evaluated: The assessment has been completed by the patient, the Issue Report is available for this assessment, and the patient's answers are added to the aggregated reports.
  • Error: Something went wrong, please reach out to Support for assistance.

Delete Assessments

Super Admins or Records Admins can delete assessments that have been sent by mistake from the patient assessments tab on the chart or from the Assessments report. Click on the X next to the assessment you need to delete. Important: Deleted assessments cannot be restored.


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