Outcomes: Enroll/Unenroll Patients in Programs

  • Updated

Patients must be enrolled in an Assessment Program before they can be sent assessments. This article discusses how to enroll patients from the patient chart, use the enrollments report to view patient enrollment statuses and enroll/unenroll patients, and how to use the auto-enroll feature.

Enroll/Unenroll from Patient Chart

Super Admins, Records Admins, Assessment Managers, and Assessment Operators can enroll the patient in a program from the Patient Assessments tab. 

  1. From the Patient Chart, open the Patient Assessments tab. The name of this tab can be customized so look for the outcomes icon.
  2. Click on the Enroll button. mceclip0.png
  3. Use the checkboxes to select one or more Assessment Programs to enroll the patient in. Not seeing an Assessment Program? Ensure that the program has been enabled for the locationmceclip1.png
  4. Click Enroll
  5. If the programs fail to add, please ensure the facesheet has been validated
  6. Once the patient is enrolled, the outcomes icon appears next to the patient name.mceclip2.png
  7. If the program has a scheduled (interval) frequency, the first assessment will be sent to the patient automatically within a few minutes. If the program doesn't have an interval assigned, the assessment will need to be manually sent. Click here for instructions. 

Unenroll Program

Discharging a patient doesn't automatically unenroll a patient from an assessment program. The patient will remain enrolled in all programs until they are manually unenrolled or the unenrollment conditions set on the Assessment Program are met.

To manually stop sending assessments to the patient client, use the following unenrollment steps:

  1. From the Patient Chart, open the Patient Assessments tab.mceclip3.png
  2. Click on the Unenroll button.
  3. Place a check for each of the programs you want to unenroll the patient from.mceclip4.png
  4. Enter an unenrollment reason (optional). Then, click Unenroll.
  5. If the patient is no longer enrolled in any outcomes programs, the outcomes icon next to their name will disappear.

Enrollments Report

Review Assessment Program enrollment status across programs from the Outcomes Measurement Enrollment Report. Users with Super Admin, Records Admin, and any Outcomes roles can view and filter this report. 

  1. To access this report, open Reports > Outcomes Measurement > Enrollment Report.mceclip5.png
  2. Use the available search and filter fields to narrow down your results.mceclip6.png
    1. Search by patient name, MR number, or Assessment Program.
    2. Filter by Enrollment Status: All, Enrolled, or Not Enrolled. 
    3. Filter by Current Census, Admission date range, or Discharge date range.
    4. You can also Export to CSV.
  3. Click Search to view the report results. mceclip11.png
  4. The enrollment report is color-coded by row:
    • White: The patient has a valid chart and they not enrolled in the program.mceclip9.png
    • Blue: The patient has a valid chart and they are enrolled in the program.mceclip10.png
    • Red: The patient has an invalid chart (the chart has not been validated). Additionally, you'll see an Invalid label next to charts that are missing required information. mceclip7.png
    • Yellow: the program is not available in the patient's location.mceclip8.png
  5. Enroll/Unenroll: You can quickly manage enrollments directly from this report.
    • For any row in white (valid chart/not enrolled) use the Enroll icon to quickly enroll the patient in the program. mceclip13.png
    • For any row in blue (valid chart/enrolled) use the Unenroll icon to remove the patient from the program. mceclip14.png

Auto Enrollment

In addition to enrolling and unenrolling patients manually, Super Admins or Assessment Managers can set up an auto-enrollment for an assessment in a particular location.

Auto Enroll uses the following logic to determine patient eligibility:

  • The patient must have an MR number and admission date
  • The patient is not discharged
  • The patient facesheet has been validated
  • The patient has not been enrolled in this program before

In the Enrollment Report, you will see Automatic System Task in the Enrolled By column for the auto-enrolled patients.


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