Outcomes: Manage Assessment Programs

  • Updated

Outcomes Assessment Programs allow you to choose which Assessments should be available for each location and allows you to establish assessment behaviors to maximize efficiency with features like auto-enrollment and frequency.

Super Admins and Assessment Managers can control Assessment Programs under Templates > Outcomes Measurement.mceclip0.png

Default Programs

There is a set of Default Programs built into the system. The Name, Code, and Description fields cannot be updated for default programs.


You can enable or disable default programs using the Active checkbox. You can also assign programs to specific location(s), enable auto-enroll, change frequency, or expiration date. 

Custom Programs

You can clone any default program to create a new custom program.mceclip3.png

You can also delete custom programs (enrolled patients will be automatically unenrolled from deleted programs).


Editing Programs

To update a program, click on the Edit icon.mceclip5.png

From the program edit screen, you can modify the following information:


  1. Name: Update the program name for custom programs only.
  2. Code: This field is always uneditable regardless of program type.
  3. Description: Add a description for custom programs only. 
  4. Active: Check this box to enable the program. Uncheck this box to disable to program. 
  5. Expires On: if necessary, you can set an expiration date for your program. Once the program is expired, the scheduled assessments will no longer be sent to the patients and the program will not be available for enrollment.  
  6. Auto Enroll: If enabled, all patients in the current census will be automatically enrolled in this program. Once the patient is enrolled in the program, the first assessment will be generated or sent to the patient immediately. Auto Enroll uses the following logic to determine patient eligibility:
    • Patients must have an MR number and admission date
    • Patient is not discharged
    • Patient facesheet has been validated
    • The patient has not been enrolled in this program before 
  7. Unenroll Upon Readmit: Check this box to automatically unenroll the patient in this program if they readmit. The patient will not be unenrolled if they are transferred. 
  8. Unenroll Condition: Automatically unenroll patients if they meet the unenrollment condition. Options are:mceclip8.png
    • Days after discharge
    • Consecutive incomplete (unfinished) assessments
      • Note: All scheduled programs will automatically unenroll patients after their 10th consecutive incomplete assessment. You can modify that default value by inputting a different number in the Unenroll Condition Value field. 
  9. Unenroll Condition Value: Set the number of days after discharge or the number of consecutive incomplete assessments after which the patient should be automatically unenrolled from the program.

Date of Death: If your instance has enabled Date of Death in your instance settings, patients will be automatically unenrolled from all outcomes programs when the date of death is added to their facesheet.


  1. Frequency type: select Interval or None.
  2. Frequency Unit: For Interval frequency, this defaults to Days.
  3. Frequency Value: You can select how often you want the assessment to generate for the patients. Type in the number (of Days) in Frequency Value field.
  4. Triggering Event: This section doesn't have any current functionality. 
  5. Assigned Locations: Select the Locations where this program can be used from the drop-down. Click the Assign button.
    • You can also unassign location(s) from the program by checking the box for the Location and clicking Unassign Selected. This automatically unenrolls all patients in these locations from this program. mceclip9.png
    • Assessment programs are location-specific even in a single instance. 

Click on Save when you are ready to update your program.

Time zones: The time zone column shows the time zone for master instances. For a single instance, it would always say N/A since all locations share the default instance time zone.

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