Once you have enabled Inventory, all medication orders in the system will be linked to the inventory, requiring inventory to be present when administering/observing medications in the patient's Med Log. Where the medication is dispensed from depends on which inventory options you've enabled.
Medications are linked by exact name first, and then by code match next. Medications that are free-typed instead of selected from the drop-down are matched by exact name only.
Only Patient Inventory Enabled
When only the patient inventory is in use:
- The medication will be dispensed from the patient's inventory if there's an active (in use, non-empty, non-expired) medication logged in the system.
- If no active medication is found or the remaining amount is not enough, this medication cannot be administered/observed (the Yes radio button is missing from the Med Log). Please add the medication to the patient inventory before you can observe/administer it. Read more about the Importance of Refills for the patient's inventory.
Changing the doctor's order that was linked to the patient inventory will automatically link the new order. If you create a new order for the same medication, you'll need to link the order manually. Click here and follow the Link Orders instructions.
Only Facility Inventory Enabled
When only facility inventory is in use:
- The medication will be dispensed from the facility inventory if there's an active (in use, non-empty, non-expired) medication logged in the system.
- If no active medication is found or the remaining amount is not enough, this medication cannot be administered/observed. Please add the medication to the facility inventory before you can observe/administer it.
Both Facility and Patient Inventory Enabled
Both facility and patient inventories are enabled, the system will use the following dispense rules:
- If patient inventory exists, the medication is dispensed from there first.
- If patient inventory does not exist, the medication is dispensed from the facility inventory.
- If medication exists neither in the patient nor the facility inventories, this medication cannot be administered/observed. You need to add the medication to the inventory prior to observing/administering it on the Med Log.
If the remaining amount in the patient's inventory is low or not enough:
- The order has no refills and you have facility inventory for this medication, you can move the remaining medication from the patient's inventory to the facility's and then start dispensing from the facility inventory. Use Switch to Facility Inventory link for that.
- The order has refills and you have this medication in the facility inventory, you can Replenish the patient inventory by filling from the facility inventory, and then continue dispensing from the patient's inventory. You can also request a refill from the pharmacy and Switch to the Facility Inventory in the meantime.
- The order has no refills and you don't have facility inventory for this medication, discontinue the existing doctor's order and create a new one after adding the medication back into inventory. Alternatively, you can fill facility inventory and start dispensing from there.
- The order has refills and you do not have facility inventory for this medication, you need to order a refill for the patient's inventory.
Inventory Actions in the Med Log
Super Admins, Records Admins, and users with Manage Medication Inventory can perform the following inventory actions in the Med Log for each medication order:
- Click on No Patient Inventory or No Facility Inventory to add the medication to the patient or facility inventory.
- Click on Replenish for medication with an insufficient amount to add a Refill transaction for the patient's inventory or create a new bottle in the facility inventory.
- Click on Switch to Facility Inventory or Switch to Patient Inventoryfor medications that exist both in patient's and facility inventories to easily switch between them, or transfer the medication from one to another. Click here for more information about transferring medication article.
- Click on Patient Inventory or Facility Inventory to review the medication's transactions and add transactions like logging a spill, as needed.
- Click on Dispensed from Patient Inventory or Dispensed from Facility Inventory to review the Dispensed transaction in the inventory history for this medication. You can annotate the transaction from here if necessary.
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