Inventory Settings

  • Updated

Manage Facility and Patient Inventory directly in the Kipu EMR. Each instance can choose to enable facility and/or patient-level inventory. Additionally, Locations in a master instance can choose to manage their own inventory settings, including whether they want to manage inventory in the EMR at all. 

Critical: Once this feature is enabled, all medication orders in the EMR will be linked to the inventory. This means that if you do not have the necessary medication in your inventory, you will not be able to administer/observe medications on the Med Log. For that reason, we recommend setting up the Inventory outside of your business hours, or during a less busy period.

Instance Settings

Super Admin in your facility can enable Inventory features for your instance:

  1. Click on your initials and choose Settings.
  2. Open the Instance tab.mceclip1.png
  3. Scroll to the Inventory section in System Options or Use Ctrl + F (Windows) or Cmd + F (Mac) to search for "inventory": mceclip3.png
    • Use Facility Inventory: Enables facility-level inventory.
    • Use Patient Inventory: Enables patient-level inventory.
    • Transfer from Facility Pharmacy: When both inventory types are in use, this feature allows medications to be transferred between the facility and patient inventory. Click here to learn more. 
    • Default for replenish alert: Auto-calculates replenish amount (for both inventory types) when a new medication is added in the inventory using the % selected (e.g., 10% of 100 will add a replenish alert to the medication when 10 doses remain). The Replenish alert appears next to the medication once the remaining amount of that particular medication is less than the calculated replenish amount.
    • Verify Facility Inventory on Medication Order Entry: Displays the available facility inventory that matches the Medication entered on the Order.
  4. Scroll to the end of the page and click Submit to save the changes.

Location Inventory Settings

Super Admins can customize the Location Inventory settings within master instances.

  1. Click on your initials and select Settings.
  2. Open the Company tab. mceclip4.png
  3. Click on the Edit icon next to location you want to customize.
  4. Locate the Inventory section.
  5. If Use Default Inventory Options is checked, the location defaults to the Instance settings (see details above).mceclip5.png
  6. Uncheck the box to manage the inventory settings at the Location level. mceclip6.png
    • Use Facility Inventory: Enables facility-level inventory.
    • Use Patient Inventory: Enables patient-level inventory.
    • Transfer from Facility Pharmacy: When both inventory types are in use, this feature allows medications to be transferred between the facility and patient inventory. Click here to learn more. 
    • Default for replenish alert: Auto-calculates replenish amount (for both inventory types) when a new medication is added into the inventory using the % selected (e.g., 10% of 100 will add a replenish alert to the medication when 10 doses remain). 
  7. If you do not want the location to use Inventory, leave all checkboxes unchecked.
  8. Click Update to save the changes.

Accessing Inventory

Once feature(s) enabled, you will see a new Inventory tab on the main EMR ribbon.


Next, add medication to your facility and/or patient inventory. 

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