Super Admins can restrict individual user access to patient charts or restrict access to all users, except for the patient's Care Team.
These restrictions are helpful for protecting patient privacy and are useful in many scenarios ranging from treating VIP clients, hiring former patients, or treating employee family members.
When a patient is restricted to a user, their tile will display in the census, however, only their MR Number and building/bed assignment will display.
Restrict One or More Users
Let's review how to ensure that specific users cannot access a patient chart.
- Open the patient chart that you'd like to restrict.
- From the Information tab, click Edit Patient.
- Scroll to the end of the page.
- In the Restricted Users section, type in the name of the user to restrict. Select the user from the user list.
- Repeat for as many users to restrict as needed
- Click Update to save.
Restricting All Users Except the Care Team
When restricting visibility to the patient's Care Team, it's critical that every person who needs to interact with that patient's chart is added to their Care Team. Any unauthorized users (users not on the care team) including Super Admins will not be able to access the record. Remember to include UR, Billing, Administrators, Designated Techs, House Managers, etc., when configuring the Care Team.
- Open the patient chart that you'd like to restrict.
- From the Information tab, click Edit Patient.
- Scroll to the end of the page.
- In the Restricted Users section, check Restrict All users "Care Team Not Included".
- Click Update to save.
Restrict Patient Records (User Profile)
Super Admins can also restrict patient records directly from the user profile.
- Click on your initials and choose Manage Users.
- From the Active Users list, edit an existing user or create a new one.
- Scroll to the Restricted Patients section.
- Enter individual patient names to restrict.
- To view the patients that are already restricted to the user, click the Load Restricted Patients button.
Checking Restrict All Patients Except for Caseload means the user will not be able to view patients unless they are a member of that patient’s care team. This setting can be used with any user who is a care team member, including Therapists, Case Managers, Primary Physicians, Primary Nurses, or custom care team types.
- Click Update to save.
Displaying and Searching Restricted Patient Records
For Census and Occupancy count accuracy, restricted patients will still display. However, they will only appear with an MR Number and a Building/Bed assignment (if applicable) in the Patients and Occupancy tabs, as well as the Bed Board Display.
Patients Tab
Occupancy Tab
Bed Board Display
Remember to restrict the display user profile for any patients that shouldn't display on the bed board (or use the Restrict All users "Care Team Not Included" checkbox).
Clicking/Searching for Restricted Patients
Clicking on the restricted record tile simply refreshes the page. Additionally, if an unauthorized user tries to search by the MR number, no results will be returned.
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