Settings: Food Allergies

  • Updated

Limited Release: This feature is currently in limited release to a select group of clients and will be rolling out to everyone in the coming weeks. 

Food allergies are standardized in the EMR. Super Admins can create new food allergies, disable allergens, and re-enable disabled allergens from the Food Allergies Settings tab. 

Manage Food Allergies

Let's review how to customize the food allergies list for use in your facilities.

  1. Click on your initials and select Settings.
  2. Open the Food Allergies tab.mceclip1.png
  3. The food allergy list is sorted alphabetically.
  4. Grayed-out allergies are system default or custom entries that have been assigned to the patient chart and cannot be renamed. If you'd like to use a different name, please disable the item and add a new allergen. 
  5. To add a food allergy scroll to the end of the list and click Add Item.mceclip4.png
  6. Enter the name of the food allergy. The new allergen will be enabled by default and the system will automatically place it in alphabetical order once complete. mceclip5.png
  7. The newly created Food Allergy will be available for selection on the patient chart. mceclip6.png
  8. Disable Allergen: To disable an allergen, uncheck the Enabled button. This prevents the item from being selected on the patient facesheet or within an evaluation. mceclip7.png
    1. Note: If you disable an allergen that has already been added to the patient chart, the Allergy field on the chart will also be disabled, preventing changes. mceclip8.png
  9. Changes made to the Food Allergies settings tab will automatically save. 

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