The settings available under the Patients menu allow you to customize the options for your patient information.
Important: Only Super Admins may access the Settings tab.
Key Term: This article refers to the patient facesheet which is the Information tab of the patient’s chart.
Accessing Patients Settings
Click on your initials and select Settings.
Open the Patients tab. This is the first tab on your Settings page. Depending on how your organization has chosen to refer to patients, the name of this tab could be clients, residents, etc. (customize this field using the patient string Instance setting).
General Settings Instructions
Many of the individual settings have the same functionality. Here are a few things to know when updating Patient settings.
- Click the Add item link to add new options.
- After each item you add, click Update to save your changes. If you don’t click Update, the next time you click Add time, the item you just added will be erased.
Click the [drag] icon to reposition the list order. This is the order in which the items will appear to the end user. You don’t need to click Update to save a new sort order.
- If no [drag] options are provided, the default sort order is alphabetical.
- Use the X to delete an item.
- Grayed-out items are system defaults that typically cannot be deleted.
If you change the name of a pre-admission status, patients with that original status assigned may not be updated to the new status when you use the filter options. If you run into this issue, you can do one of the following:
- Return the status to the original name
- Individually replace the statuses of the patients who did not appear on the filter
- Wait until the patients are phased out and use the pre-admission reports as a workaround.
The following settings are related to the patient facesheet, calendar, rounds, and treatment/billing.
Tip: Click on the images to expand.
Pre-Admission StatusCustomize your pre-admission statuses to reflect your organization's processes. The Show Pre-Admission Status for Patient Instance Setting must be enabled for this section to display. |
Marital StatusCreate a list of Marital Statuses for use in the patient facesheet. |
Discharge TypesThis section contains a list of pre-loaded discharge types tracked by the CDC. You can rename how these items display to your users, add custom discharge types, or disable any of these presets. The discharge type should be built into your Discharge documentation, allowing you to retrieve statistics of your outcomes. |
Payment MethodsThis section allows you to indicate how the patient is paying for their treatment on the facesheet. You will also tie the Payment Method to a category. The Use Payment Methods for Patient Instance Setting must be enabled for this section to appear. This set of fields is very important for billing integrations as only Private Insurance or Government Insurance categories flow into your billing software. |
Food dietsCreate specific dietary restrictions that can be added to the patient’s facesheet. This field also appears in the occupancy section and can be included in evaluations. |
Patient Property ConditionAssign custom conditions to the patient’s electronic device property upon admission. Build this field into forms using the patient.electronic_devices field type. |
Patient Programs (Program)Note: This field name is customizable in your instance settings and may be named something else. Patient Programs can be added to the patient chart and can be used as filters on the census and billable options. The color set for the program will frame the patient tile on the census. The Location drop-down is only available for Master Instances. Please select the Locations where this program is offered. |
Calendar Appointment TypesCreate the appointment types you’d like to schedule on the Calendar (in the Schedules tab). Important: These are related to the legacy calendar functionality. Users on the new Scheduler can update their appointment types using these instructions. |
Calendar Appointment StatusesCreate the appointment statuses you’d like to assign to appointments on the Calendar (in the Schedules tab). Important: These are related to the legacy calendar functionality. Users on the new Scheduler can manage appointment statuses with these instructions. |
Patient StatusesPatient statuses can be used to assign Curfews, Infractions, Weekly Passes, and more. This section allows you to customize the statuses you want to assign and track, and the colors associated with each status. Patient statuses can include Start date, End date, Days elapsed, and the option to clear after end date. Click here to learn more. |
RaceCreate a list of races that can be applied to the patient facesheet. This feature must be enabled in your Instance Settings to appear. |
EthnicityCreate a list of ethnicities that can be applied to the patient facesheet. This feature must be enabled in your Instance Settings to appear. |
Rounds ActivityCreate a custom list of patient activities (e.g., Asleep) that users can include when documenting their rounds.
If you are in a Master instance, you can make rounds activities location specific by selecting the desired location(s) from the Locations drop-down. |
Rounds LocationCreate a custom list of patient locations (e.g., Bedroom) that users can include when documenting their rounds. If you are in a Master instance, you can make rounds locations available to specific locations by selecting the desired location(s) from the Locations drop-down. |
Do Not Bill ReasonsThis section is only available to EMR instances integrated with a billing solution (e.g., AveaOffice or CMD). Do Not Bill Reasons can be assigned to charges that are marked as Do Not Bill from the Billing Report. These reasons are also reportable. Instructions for setup can be found here. |
Absence ReasonsCreate a custom list of reasons that can be selected on the Attendance Tracker when a patient doesn’t show up for their session. |
LOC with Billing Integration |
Levels of CareSet up the Levels of Care (LOC) offered by your organization. Levels of Care appear in the Patient header (based on Instance settings) and any forms that have the patient.level_of_care_clinical or patient.level_of_care_ur field. Additionally, the Level of Care is available for selection when adding a Concurrent Review. Users with Master instances must select the Locations where this Level of Care is offered. Important: Level of Care setup is critical for organizations with billing integrations. Your LOC settings will also have additional options once your integration is enabled. |
The following settings are related to the patient’s insurance.
Insurance BenefitsSet up the benefit categories to verify when completing the Verification of Benefits form. |
Insurance Verification (yes/no questions)This section allows you to add questions with Yes/No radio buttons to the Verification of Benefits Form. |
Insurance PrioritiesCreate a list of insurance priorities. This is available for selection within the Insurance Type/Priority drop-down when adding insurance to the patient’s chart. |
Plan TypesCreate a list of accepted insurance plan types for selection within the Insurance plan type drop-down when adding an insurance to the patient’s chart. The grayed out options are included by default and cannot be edited or deleted. |
Payer TypesThe system comes with a set of default payer types for selection from the Payer type drop-down when adding an insurance to the patient’s chart. You can add custom types as well. |
Coverage PeriodThe system comes with a set of default plan periods for selection within the Plan Period drop-down when adding an insurance to the patient’s chart. You can add custom periods as needed. |
Relationship of Patient to SubscriberCreate a list of relationship options for use in the Subscriber Relationship field when adding an insurance to the patient’s chart. The grayed out options are included by default and cannot be edited or deleted.
Utilization Review FrequenciesCreate a set of utilization review frequencies. These are available for selection when adding a Review (authorization) in the Concurrent Reviews section of the patient chart. |
Patient Contacts
These settings are specifically related to contacts added on the patient's facesheet.
Patient Contact RelationshipWhen adding a contact to the patient facesheet, you can select the contact’s relationship to the patient. Guarantor and Guardian are system defaults because they are the only contact types that are able to be invited to the Kipu Portal. |
Patient Contact TypesCreate a list of patient contact types to assign to the contact added to the patient’s facesheet. |
Processes, Medication, Treatment Plans, Diagnoses
The following settings impact the layout of the patient’s chart tabs, medication administration, and care team.
Patient ProcessesThis section determines the layout of the tabs on the patient chart and how each tab behaves. You can also add new tabs to support new workflows or integrations.
It’s crucial that you only check one function (e.g., Orders or MARs, not both). Otherwise, the tab will exhibit unexpected behavior like failing to display any data. Click here to learn more about customizing your Patient Processes tabs.
Medication RoutesIf your organization allows users to enter medications that aren’t pulled from the Medication Database, create a list of Medication Routes. Each Medication requires the Route to be documented when creating an order. |
Care Team FunctionsDesignate a care team for your patients. By default, each care team contains a Case Manager, Primary Nurse, Primary Physician, and Primary Therapist. You can add additional roles (simply replace any spaces in the role name with an underscore) or disable any of these roles by clicking on the disable icon. Disabled roles have a green checkmark. |
Diagnosis CodesIf you need to use diagnosis codes not included in the ICD-10 database, those can be added here. |
Doctor’s Orders “Via” OptionsWhen creating an Order, there is a drop-down that allows the user to indicate how the orders were provided. Create a custom list for selection. |
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