Chart Tracker: Readmit a Patient

  • Updated

The Chart Tracker Readmit functionality allows you to link episodes of care (within one location), easily toggle between charts, and transfer live forms between charts. 

Required Permissions: Users with Super Admin, Records Admin, Admin, Patient Coordinator, Case Manager, Nurse, or UR Internal roles can readmit patients. Check out the User Roles Guide for more details.

Readmitting the Patient

Let's review the process for readmitting the patient.

  1. Open the patient chart. Tip: Use the global search bar in the header to quickly find the patient.mceclip0.png
  2. From the patient's Information tab, click ReadmitNote: The Readmit button is only shown after the patient chart has been discharged (i.e. patient's Discharge Date is in the past).mceclip1.png
  3. From the Readmit pop-up, select one of the available Packages (if desired), enter Admission Date (if applicable), and add a Note. All fields are optional.mceclip3.png
  4. Click Readmit.
  5. The system will create a new chart (new episode of care) with all the demographics, payment information, patient contacts, allergies, and special dietary needs, as well as the completed consents and evaluations included in the selected package.
  6. You will need to ensure all patient information is still accurate and complete the admission process by creating an MR number.
  7. The Readmit process will also create a link between the first episode of care and the next one. That will allow users to transfer live forms from the first chart to the second one at any time.
  8. You can switch between all episodes of care using Latest file drop-down or by clicking on the Chart Tracker button.mceclip5.png

Note: Treatment Plan forms cannot be included in the readmit/transfer packages or for the live forms transfer.

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