Chart Tracker: How to Transfer Chart between Locations

  • Updated

The Chart Transfer feature allows you to transfer a patient chart from one location to another within a master instance. Chart Transfer will automatically link the patient's episodes of care and enables live form transfer between those linked episodes of care.

Required Permission: Super Admins, Records Admins, and users with the Manage Chart Transfer feature can complete chart transfers. 

Transfer Patient Chart

To transfer a patient chart to a new location:

  1. From the patient's Information tab, click Transfer.mceclip0.png
  2. From the Transfer window:mceclip2.png
    1. Select the Destination Location. This field is required.
    2. Choose a Transfer Package. These packages contain a list of consent forms and evaluations that should be transferred if present on the patient chart. Click here for instructions on creating and editing packages. Forms can also be transferred later if needed.
      1. Note: Kipu Messenger and Treatment Plan forms are not included in Chart Tracker packages and cannot be transferred using the live forms transfer. Additionally, insurance forms cannot be transferred. 
    3. Enter Admission Date (if known).
    4. Add an optional Note.
  3. Click on Transfer.
  4. The system will automatically open the Chart Tracker section of the Information tab. The Chart Tracker section will keep a record of the transfer and any documents included in the transfer by the package selected.mceclip3.png
    • You can access this section of the patient chart by clicking on the Chart Tracker button on the facesheet.mceclip4.png
  5. In the Destination Location, the system creates a brand new chart with all the patient demographics, payment information, patient contacts, allergies, and special dietary needs.mceclip5.png
  6. Ensure the patient information is still accurate, and, if applicable, admit the patient by creating an MR number.
  7. Any completed consents and evaluations included in the selected package will automatically appear in their related tabs.
    • Consent forms will come over as signed/completed.  mceclip6.png
    • Evaluations will come over as open but will be preloaded with any previously completed information.mceclip7.png
      • Important: Only the most recently completed version of the evaluation form will populate upon transfer. For example, if you have 5 nutritional screens added to the previous chart, only the most recently completed nutritional screen will transfer to the new chart. 
    • If any of the forms that were transferred from the previous chart to the new chart do not exist in the new location, the forms will be added to the Tx Hx tab. These forms will be uneditable. To prevent this, ensure that all forms that should transfer with the chart are present in both locations. You can review this information under Templates > Consents/Evaluations
  8. The Transfer process will also create a link between the episodes of care that allows users with the Manage Chart Transfer feature (and Super Admins/Records Admins) to transfer live forms from the previous chart to the new chart at any time.
  9. Users can switch between all episodes of care using the Latest File drop-down or Chart Tracker area.mceclip8.png


PDF Package Transfers
If necessary, you can continue using transfer with PDF package, and utilize both features parallel. However, the transfer with a PDF package will not create a connection between the source and target charts necessary for live form transfer

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