Readmitting a Patient

  • Updated

The Kipu EMR allows you to readmit a patient, automatically linking their past episodes of care to their new treatment episode. This automatically adds the patient's demographics, payment information, contacts, allergies, and special dietary needs to the new chart, reducing the amount of data entry required to readmit a patient. Additionally, you can quickly toggle between charts, making it simple to review treatment history. 


Readmit a Patient

  1. To readmit a patient, click the Readmit button.mceclip0.png
  2. The user will see the following notice. mceclip1.png
  3. Next, confirm the accuracy of the information populated from the patient's previous record. 
  4. Add an Admission Date and create the MR Number when the patient is ready to be admitted. mceclip2.png
  5. A drop-down appears next to the patient header, allowing you to toggle between episodes of care. The most recent treatment episode is titled with Latest File and the patient's MR Number.mceclip3.png
  6. Previous charts contain the label THIS IS NOT THE LATEST FILE.mceclip4.png

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