Medications: Quick Orders

  • Updated

Quick Orders are primarily useful for medications that your facility frequently orders. Because many of the elements are pre-built, Quick Orders speed up the order creation process, while still allowing for flexibility and customization. If you need to create an order for a medication your facility does not regularly use, check out the article on custom medication orders.

Your facility must have at least one order template created to use Quick Orders. See the Creating an Order Template article for instructions on setting up templates.

Required Permissions
Doctors, Nurses, Super Admins, and Records Admins can use Quick Orders.

  1. From the Patients page, click on the desired patient’s tile.
  2. You will be taken to the patient Information tab. Click on Doctor’s Orders.
    1. Important: The Doctor's Orders tab can be renamed based on your organization's preference, so your facility may call this tab something else.
  3. From the Doctor’s Orders tab, click on the Quick Order button. 
  4. Either choose the desired order type, scroll down to the desired section, or use the search bar in the Order pop-up window. By default, you will be viewing all order types. Each section has a Select All and Deselect All button, which will allow you to select or deselect all orders in a specific category. If your facility does not have templates enabled for an order type, the button will not appear.
    1. Protocols: Protocols are a set of standard medications, PRNs, tapers, and action orders you can group together and assign to a patient in one click. To learn more, check out our Protocols article.
    2. PRN: Medication or action orders that can be given or performed on an "as needed" basis (such as Advil for headaches or a self-harm watch, etc.).
    3. Standard: Standard orders are unique to your facility and are built for the medication orders whose type, dosage, duration, and administration frequency are most commonly used (e.g., orders that are the “standard”).
    4. Taper: Orders where dosage and/or frequency decrease over a specified amount of time.
    5. Titration: Orders where dose and/or frequency increase over a specified amount of time.
    6. Action Orders: Orders for non-medical orders needed in your instance (such as CIWA, check vital signs, or change bedsheets). For instructions on creating action order templates, check out this article
    7. View All: Unselects any previously selected filters, allowing you to see all options.

      Important: Make sure you do not order duplicated medications for the patient,

  5. Next, select the desired order(s). Here, we have selected the PRN order Advil, oral, tablet, 200MG, every 8 hours and the action order Breathing Exercises. Once you have made the desired selection(s), click the Review Orders button.
  6. The next window allows you to review existing order details and add medications, tapers, and actions to your order from scratch, as needed. (Find out more information on creating new medication, taper, and action orders in this article.)
  7. If the patient is allergic to the quick order medication you have selected, or if they are taking a medication that reacts negatively with the medication you have selected, you will see relevant warnings.
  8. You can click on each preselected order to review details and make any desired changes. (Don't forget that all fields with asterisks (*) are required). Clicking on the three vertical lines on the left will re-collapse the order, while clicking on the trash icon will remove it from the order.
    • Important: If you choose to use a custom strength in the Strength field, you will need to include both the number value and the unit of measure (e.g.,10 mg not simply 10) or you will encounter an error message and be unable to proceed.
  9. You can also set a max daily dose amount by clicking on the carrot, typing in the maximum quantity and selecting choosing the correct option from the drop-down. Once the selected maximum quantity is reached within a 24 hour period, further doses will not be available in the MAR.
    1. If there is an existing order with a maximum dose set, and you create another order for the same patient for the same medication, an Override checkbox will appear. If you check the box, doses associated with the order will ignore the max daily dose and will be available for administration from the MAR. If you do not select the checkbox, the existing override will apply to the new order and the new order will appear in the MAR, but you will only be able to select N/A and add comments. 
  10. If you are a doctor, prescriber, or prescribing clinician, you can simply click the Submit button at the bottom of the window, enter your signature, and the order will be under your name.
  11. If you are a Prescribing Agent, you will be required to select the doctor who prescribed the medication and the method by which they communicated the order to you from the appropriate drop-downs before you submit. If you select Other from the Ordered By list, you will be able to free-type a provider's name. Clicking Reset clears the field.
  12. Once the order is submitted, it will appear in the Doctor’s Orders tab.

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