Upgraded Login Process FAQs

  • Updated

What happens if I do not receive the verification email from Kipu/My Users are not receiving the verification email?

  1. Please verify the email address found in your Kipu user profile is valid (spelling, characters) and is the same email address inbox you are checking
  2. Please check spam/junk 
  3. Please add support@kipusystems.com to your contact list and re-submit the request
  4. Please ask your IT personnel to whitelist the following domains:
    • kipusystems.com
    • kipu.health
    • kipuhealth.com
  5. After reviewing the above steps and you still do not receive the verification email, please contact Kipu Client support at clientservices@kipuhealth.com or call (561) 349-5911, option 3 for EMR. 

I have access to multiple instances; do I have to verify my email under every instance?

Yes, if you have access to multiple instances you will need to verify your email address under every instance you have access to. Once these email addresses are verified, you will be able to use the same email address and password for every instance. If you change your password under one instance, keep in mind that it will change your password in all other instances. Please use the same email address and password combination for all instances you need to access. 

How do I clear my cache & cookies in Chrome? 

  1. On your computer, open Chrome.
  2. At the top right, click More.
  3. Click More tools Clear browsing data.
  4. At the top, choose a time range. To delete everything, select All time.
  5. Next to "Cookies and other site data" and "Cached images and files," check the boxes.
  6. Click Clear data.

If you use Safari, Firefox, or another browser, check its support site for instructions on clearing your cache and cookies. 

I am receiving a “Reset Password token has expired, please request a new one" error message.

This error message typically occurs when trying to register from an older password reset email that has come in. When this request is requested many times in a row, the emails tend to stack up on each other increasing the chance that the most recent option is not being selected. Only the most recent email will contain a valid token. Please review your email for the most recent timestamp and click on that password reset link. Complete the instructions and you should be able to access Kipu. 

I am receiving an “Invalid Token” error.

Email verification emails are valid for 48 hours. If it has been longer than 48 hours, you will need to request a new verification to proceed. Keep in mind requesting multiple verification emails can stack up in your inbox, please review the most recent timestamp to ensure you are selecting the most up-to-date link. 

When I select “Send verification email” what does the email look like and who does it come from?

  1. Verification emails will come from support@kipusystems.com
  2. In the email, click the Register link. Note: This email link expires after 48 hours so please complete the verification process prior to expiration.
  3. Here is an example of how the email will appear: blobid0.png

What email address should I be checking?

Verification emails will be tied to the email found in your Kipu user profile. You can review that email by clicking on your initials at the top right of the page and then selecting Profile

How do I know my email is not yet verified? 

When logging in, if your email is not yet verified, you will be welcomed by the message below. You must complete this in the next 5 sign-in (s) or before 1/1/2023.blobid1.png

I'm receiving an invalid username or password error.

If you've completed the verification process, please sign in using the email address tied to your account. If you haven't completed the process, please reach out to your facility's Super Admin. 

I'm using my username and it's not working.

Usernames can no longer be used to sign in. Please use your valid email address to log in. 

I forgot my password, what do I do?

Click the Forgot Password? link on the Kipu EMR login page and follow the instructions. 

What happens if I don’t update my information in time? 

You will not able able to access the EMR application. Please reach out to your Super Admin to manually send the verification email and complete the Account Verifications steps described above.

Why can’t I set a user's password?

With the updated login process, Super Admins will no longer set up a temporary password for users. Instead, an email will be sent to the email address entered with instructions on accessing the Kipu EMR. This is a huge upgrade to account security!

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