A User Is Missing in Manage Users/I’m Creating a New Profile but It Says That the Email Is Taken

  • Updated


A new or existing user cannot be found in Manage Users.


I’m trying to create a new profile but it’s saying that the email is already taken.


Kipu EMR, Role: Super Admin, Feature: Manage Users, Access to All Locations Option Active


Users who were not assigned to any Locations when created, or users who had their profiles deactivated and all locations removed, will not display in the staff list for any users that have locations assigned to their profile. To locate users without locations assigned, a Super Admin or a user with the Manage Users feature will need to disable all assigned locations in their profile.

If your Kipu EMR is a Single Instance follow these steps:

  1. Click on your Initials in the upper right corner and choose Manage Users.
  2. Locate your own user profile and click Edit.
  3. Disable all locations assigned to you by unselecting all location checkboxes.
  4. Scroll to the end of the page and click Update.
  5. Reopen the Manage Users page and search for the missing user(s).
  6. Click the Edit button for the affected user.
  7. Add the needed Locations to the user's profile and click Update.
  8. Open your own profile and add the needed Locations back to your user profile and click Update.
  9. The missing user will now be visible in Manage Users.

If your Kipu EMR is a Master Instance follow these steps:

Only a Super Admin with the Access All Locations option enabled will be able to locate the missing user profile.

  1. Click on your Initials in the upper right corner and choose Manage Users.
  2. For current staff go to the Active Users page and search for the missing user(s). If you were trying to make a new profile and received the message that the email is already in use go to the Disabled Users tab to search. Click the Edit button for the affected user.
  3. Add the needed Locations to the user's profile and click Update.
  4. The missing user will now be visible in Manage Users.

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