Chart✓ allows users to set deadlines and track the completion of patient forms to ensure the facility remains compliant at all times. This article provides information creating Chart✓ lists for your programs and locations.
For information on how to enable Chart✓, click here. For instructions on managing upcoming and past due documentation with Chart✓, click here.
Create Chart✓ Templates
Super Admins or users with the Manage Templates, Manage Templates - Consents and Evaluations, or Manage Templates - Chart Check features can create, edit, and delete Chart✓ templates. These templates allow you to select a set of forms and identify when each form needs to be completed based on hours, days, and conditions (e.g., 4 days after admission).
To create a new template:
- Navigate to Templates and open the Chart✓ tab.
- Click New Chart✓ List.
Name the list, select a Location (for users in a master instance), and select a Program.
Note: You can have only one active List per program and location. If you need to use the same list for multiple programs and/or in multiple locations, use Copy option once the list is created.
- Click Create Chart Check list.
- Use the Consents and Evaluations sections to choose the forms you'd like to set a deadline for within this program.
Important: Forms that do not require signatures cannot be added to the Chart✓ list. If you attempt to add a form without signatures, you'll receive the following error messages.
- Once a form is selected, it's automatically added to the Chart✓ Items column.
- For each form, set individual rules for Patient, Staff, and Reviewer signatures for when the form should be completed in the following format: [x] Days [x] Hours After [Event].
- The Event rules are specific to the signature type (e.g., patient options differ from staff). Let's review:
Patient Staff Reviewer - Admission Date
- Discharge Date
- Transfer in UR LOC: Requires LOC selection.
- Transfer in Clinical LOC: Requires LOC selection.
- Form Created: Specify which form (e.g., once the waiver is added to the chart).
- Form Completed: Specify which form (e.g. once the Consent for Treatment form is signed).
- Staff Signature
- Patient Signature
- Admission Date
- Discharge Date
- Transfer in UR LOC: Requires LOC selection.
- Transfer in Clinical LOC: Requires LOC selection.
- Form Created: Specify which form (e.g., once the waiver is added to the chart).
- Form Completed: Specify which form (e.g. once the Consent for Treatment form is signed).
- Guardian Signature
- Guarantor Signature
- Staff Signature
- Use the Update button to save form rules. This is important if you need to add additional forms to the list.
- Use the Not Repeating link to automatically include recurring documentation requirements.
- From the Recurrence Pattern pop-up, schedule the form to repeat at a set interval, on specified days, for a specified number of repetitions until discharge or even after discharge. This feature is great for scheduling weekly progress notes, monthly treatment plan reviews, or alumni follow-up surveys.
- Once all conditions are set, enable the list.
- The Chart✓ List will be automatically enabled for all newly admitted patients for the indicated Location and Program.
Edit/Delete Lists
From the Chart✓ tab, you can modify existing lists, enable/disable lists, or copy an existing list to apply the same template to a different location.
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