ASAM Fourth Edition Evaluation Templates

  • Updated

The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) released their guidelines' Fourth Edition in November 2023. This edition offers improved clarity and guidance, particularly around levels of care. To support our clients, Kipu has partnered with compliance experts to fully understand these updates and create updated forms. 

You can read more about these changes in the blog post here.

Why is this important?

ASAM guidelines are essential for ensuring accurate placement of care, and many payers now require ASAM assessments. With the Fourth Edition, there's an increase in payers mandating its use.

How will Kipu keep you compliant?

To help you stay compliant, we've worked with compliance experts to develop three new assessment forms:

How can I add these forms to my Kipu EMR?

You can download these forms by clicking on the links above and uploading the JSON files to your EMR. Click here for instructions on importing forms. 

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Important: Please note that any modifications made to the content in the new ASAM 4.0 forms may result in non-compliance with ASAM requirements. However, you can still make changes to template rules (such as marking them as billable). 

What should I do with my old ASAM forms? 

These new ASAM 4 forms are designed to replace the numerous ASAM Third Edition forms currently in use. You can disable the ASAM 3.0 forms under Templates > Evaluations by unchecking the Enabled box. This will prevent the forms from appearing under the Add Forms button on the patient chart, ensuring the correct forms are leveraged going forward. 

Why is the Dimension 6 section in my ASAM 4 Pre-Admission assessment missing?

The information in the original Dimension 6 section is now located under Person-Centered Considerations. For more detailed information, please check out this post.

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